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""" At the command line, only need to run once to install the package via pip: $ pip install google-generativeai """ import google.generativeai as genai genai.configure(api_key="YOUR API KEY") defaults = { 'model': 'models/chat-bison-001', 'temperature': 0.25, 'candidate_count': 1, 'top_k': 40, 'top_p': 0, } context = "We're playing a game. I'm thinking of a word, and I need to get you to guess that word. But I can't say the word itself. I'll give you clues, and you'll respond with a guess. Your guess should be a single word only." examples = [ [ "This is a thing into which feathers go, and it makes it more comfortable to sit.", "A pillow?" ], [ "You might find this on a couch.", "A cushion?" ], [ "Yes. Okay next. This is something you might use when drops are falling from the sky", "An umbrella?" ], [ "Next: Oops", "A mistake?" ], [ "Next: booboo", "A boo-boo?" ], [ "No, another word for that", "A wound?" ] ] messages = [ "This is a type of creature that lived a very long time ago", "A dinosaur?", "Next: This is a food that has leaves", "Lettuce?", "You might use that to make what I'm thinking of", "A salad?" ] messages.append("NEXT REQUEST") response = genai.chat( **defaults, context=context, examples=examples, messages=messages ) print(response.last) # Response of the AI to your most recent request