
Information about a Generative Language Model.

name str

Required. The resource name of the Model.

Format: models/{model} with a {model} naming convention of:

  • "{base_model_id}-{version}"


  • models/chat-bison-001
base_model_id str

Required. The name of the base model, pass this to the generation request.


  • chat-bison
version str

Required. The version number of the model.

This represents the major version

display_name str

The human-readable name of the model. E.g. "Chat Bison". The name can be up to 128 characters long and can consist of any UTF-8 characters.

description str

A short description of the model.

input_token_limit int

Maximum number of input tokens allowed for this model.

output_token_limit int

Maximum number of output tokens available for this model.

supported_generation_methods MutableSequence[str]

The model's supported generation methods.

The method names are defined as Pascal case strings, such as generateMessage which correspond to API methods.

temperature float

Controls the randomness of the output.

Values can range over [0.0,1.0], inclusive. A value closer to 1.0 will produce responses that are more varied, while a value closer to 0.0 will typically result in less surprising responses from the model. This value specifies default to be used by the backend while making the call to the model.

top_p float

For Nucleus sampling.

Nucleus sampling considers the smallest set of tokens whose probability sum is at least top_p. This value specifies default to be used by the backend while making the call to the model.

top_k int

For Top-k sampling.

Top-k sampling considers the set of top_k most probable tokens. This value specifies default to be used by the backend while making the call to the model. If empty, indicates the model doesn't use top-k sampling, and top_k isn't allowed as a generation parameter.