ArXiv Pulse

Latest arXiv research digests, tailored and delivered to you.

What it does

arXiv Pulse is a web application designed to keep researchers, academics, and science enthusiasts up-to-date with the latest developments in their fields of interest. By leveraging the power of the Gemini API, arXiv Pulse delivers personalized, concise, and insightful summaries of the most recent arXiv papers directly to your inbox.

How we use the Gemini API:

1. Relevant Paper Selection: We utilize Gemini to filter out and reason which papers are most relevant to your interests, based on their titles and abstracts. This ensures that you receive information tailored specifically to your research areas.

2. Technical Yet Accessible Summaries: Gemini powers our summarization feature, distilling complex research papers into concise summaries that are technical yet quick and easy to read. This maintains the scientific integrity of the content while making it more digestible.

3. Multimodal Image Selection: We leverage Gemini's multimodal capabilities to select the most relevant image that represents the key concept of each paper. This visual element enhances understanding and engagement with the summarized content.

4. Coherent Newsletter Generation: Gemini combines the summaries with selected images into a full newsletter, written in markdown format. This creates a coherent narrative that's easy to read, tying together multiple papers into a comprehensive update on your field of interest.

Built with

  • Web/Chrome
  • Google Cloud



ArXiv Pulse Team (Elman Mansimov and Santiago Silva Dalla Rizza)


United States