Foods Carbon Emission by Gemini AI
App that educate people on how food they eat impacts on environment
What it does
Foods Carbon Emission Powered by Google Gemini AI
A Chrome Extension Eco-awareness System design to educate people and various communities on how the food they eat impacts on our environments which triggering global warming and greenhouse Gaseous Emissions.
About Foods & Climatic Change:
According to Climatic Experts, The Food we eat contributes One-Quater of Global Warming and Green House Gaseous Emission more than other climatic sectors including Carbon emission by Transportations, Energy etc.
Its is very important to know the quantity of Carbon emitted in making each meal/food that we eat. This will help to educate People and also create Ecological Awareness about impacts of foods we eats on our Climates..
Built with
- Web/Chrome
Obasi Henry