Rapid Mastery

Master skills by creating challenges: practice, share and live session

What it does

With Rapid Mastery, users can create challenges, compose questions, and practice them to master skills. Users can share challenges, embed them everywhere, and start live sessions where other users can join to practice with progress tracking and insights about the session, which are useful for identifying areas that need attention. This type of learning uses the active recall technique to ensure active engagement.

With the power of Gemini, Rapid Mastery simplifies this process and maximizes the advantages of active recall by providing:

- AI Question Builder: Instead of manually creating questions, options, and possible answers, easily create questions from a piece of information. Simply select the question type, and Gemini will automatically construct the question along with its answers and options.

- Question Type Switching: Easily change a question from one type to another. Just choose the new question type, and Gemini will convert the question.

- Dynamic Feedbacks

- Dynamic Hints: Provide dynamic hints based on the user's answers rather than static hints.

- Auto Evaluation of Answers: Instead of defining all possible answers for a the question, enabling auto-evaluation allows Gemini to assess answers based on their meaning rather than matching the answer text. This is particularly useful for free-form questions that can be answered in many ways.

- Insights Extraction: Extract insights about user practice and sessions to identify areas that need attention.

Built with

  • Flutter
  • Firebase



Rapid Mastery

