Deploy AI across mobile, web, and embedded applications

  • On device

    Reduce latency. Work offline. Keep your data local & private.

  • Cross-platform

    Run the same model across Android, iOS, web, and embedded.

  • Multi-framework

    Compatible with JAX, Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow models.

  • Full AI edge stack

    Flexible frameworks, turnkey solutions, hardware accelerators

Ready-made solutions and flexible frameworks

Low-code APIs for common AI tasks

Cross-platform APIs to tackle common generative AI, vision, text, and audio tasks.

Get started with MediaPipe tasks

Deploy custom models cross-platform

Performantly run JAX, Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow models on Android, iOS, web, and embedded devices, optimized for traditional ML and generative AI.

Get started with LiteRT
Feature 2

Shorten development cycles with visualization

Visualize your model’s transformation through conversion and quantization. Debug hotspots by overlaying benchmarks results.

Get started with Model Explorer
Feature 1

Build custom pipelines for complex ML features

Build your own task by performantly chaining multiple ML models along with pre and post processing logic. Run accelerated (GPU & NPU) pipelines without blocking on the CPU. 

Get started with MediaPipe Framework
Feature 2

The tools and frameworks that power Google's apps

Explore the full AI edge stack, with products at every level — from low-code APIs down to hardware specific acceleration libraries.

MediaPipe Tasks

Quickly build AI features into mobile and web apps using low-code APIs for common tasks spanning generative AI, computer vision, text, and audio.

Generative AI

Integrate generative language and image models directly into your apps with ready-to-use APIs.


Explore a large range of vision tasks spanning segmentation, classification, detection, recognition, and body landmarks.

Text & audio

Classify text and audio across many categories including language, sentiment, and your own custom categories.

MediaPipe Framework

A low level framework used to build high performance accelerated ML pipelines, often including multiple ML models combined with pre and post processing.


Deploy AI models authored in any framework across mobile, web, and microcontrollers with optimized hardware specific acceleration.


Convert models from JAX, Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow to run on the edge.


Run the same exact model on Android, iOS, web, and microcontrollers with native SDKs.

Lightweight & fast

LiteRT’s efficient runtime takes up only a few megabytes and enables model acceleration across CPU, GPU, and NPUs.

Model Explorer

Visually explore, debug, and compare your models. Overlay performance benchmarks and numerics to pinpoint troublesome hotspots.

nano characters

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