PaLM API'yi hızlıca denemek isterseniz REST API'deki yöntemleri çağırmak için curl komutlarını kullanma. Aşağıdaki örnekler çağrılarını gösterir. Her curl komutu için model adı ve API anahtarınız. API anahtarı alma konusunu inceleyin. Google Fotoğraflar'ı da kullanabilirsiniz.
Add your API key and run this cell to set the PALM_API_KEY variable if
running in Colab.
(In a terminal you can just run PALM_API_KEY=<your API key>)
import os
os.environ['PALM_API_KEY'] = ""
Metin oluşturun
yöntemini kullanma
giriş mesajı verilen modelden bir yanıt oluşturun.
!curl$PALM_API_KEY \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ \
"prompt": { \
"text": "Write a story about a magic backpack." \
} \
{ "candidates": [ { "output": "Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who loved to explore. She would spend hours wandering through the forest near her house, looking for new and exciting things. One day, Lily was exploring a particularly dense part of the forest when she came across a strange backpack. It was sitting on a rock, and it looked like it had been abandoned.\n\nLily picked up the backpack and examined it. It was made of a strange, silvery material that she had never seen before. There were no zippers or buttons, but the backpack seemed to be open. Lily reached inside, and she was surprised to find that it was full of all sorts of amazing things.\n\nThere were books that could tell her anything she wanted to know, tools that could fix anything she broke, and clothes that could keep her warm or cool no matter what the weather. Lily was amazed by the backpack's contents, and she knew that she had found something truly special.\n\nLily decided to take the backpack home with her, and she quickly discovered that it was even more magical than she had thought. The backpack could transport her to any place she wanted to go, and it could provide her with anything she needed. Lily used the backpack to travel the world, and she had many amazing adventures.\n\nOne day, Lily was using the backpack to explore a new planet when she came across a group of people who were in trouble. The people were being held captive by a cruel wizard, and Lily knew that she had to help them. She used the backpack to create a distraction, and then she rescued the people and led them to safety.\n\nThe people were so grateful to Lily for saving them, and they told her that she was a true hero. Lily was happy to have helped, and she knew that she would continue to use the backpack to help others in need.\n\nLily's magic backpack continued to accompany her on many more adventures. She used it to help people in need, to explore new worlds, and to learn about all sorts of amazing things. Lily's backpack was a constant source of joy and inspiration, and she was grateful for the many ways that it had enriched her life.", "safetyRatings": [ { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" } ] } ] }
Aşağıdaki örnekte,
yöntemini kullanır.
!curl$PALM_API_KEY \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ \
"prompt": { \
"text": "Give an example of a title for a story about a magic backpack. \
Title: " \
}, \
"safetySettings": [ \
{ \
"threshold": "BLOCK_ONLY_HIGH" \
} \
], \
"stopSequences": [ \
"Title" \
], \
"temperature": 1.0, \
"candidate_count": 3, \
"maxOutputTokens": 800, \
"topP": 0.8, \
"topK": 10 \
{ "candidates": [ { "output": "The Backpack of Holding", "safetyRatings": [ { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" } ] }, { "output": "The Backpack of Holding", "safetyRatings": [ { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" } ] }, { "output": "The Backpack of Holding", "safetyRatings": [ { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" }, { "category": "HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS", "probability": "NEGLIGIBLE" } ] } ] }
Parametre değerleri şu anlama gelir:
: Yalnızca yüksek düzeyde zehirliliği engellemek için toksisite güvenlik eşiğini düşürün çıkışlarstopSequences
: Yalnızca 1 başlık oluşturmak için durdurma sırasını kullanın. sonrakiTitle
: Yanıtlar üretilirken sıcaklığı 1,0 olarak ayarlayın.candidate_count
: Yalnızca 3 aday yanıtını döndürür.maxOutputTokens
: En fazla 800 jeton döndürün.topP
: Modelin döndürdüğü jetonların yalnızca ilk% 80'lik kısmını göz önünde bulundurun.topK
: Örnekleme yaparken ilk 10 jetonu göz önünde bulundurun.
API referansında bu parametreler hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin
Mesaj oluştur
'ı kullanma
modelden yanıt oluşturma yöntemini
girdisi verildi.
!curl$PALM_API_KEY \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ \
"prompt": {"messages": [{"content":"hi"}]} \
{ "candidates": [ { "author": "1", "content": "Hi! How can I help you today?" } ], "messages": [ { "author": "0", "content": "hi" } ] }
Aşağıdaki örnekte, parametreler için farklı değerlere sahip bir çağrı gösterilmektedir.
!curl$PALM_API_KEY \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ \
"prompt": {"messages": [{"content":"hi"}]}, \
"temperature": 0.1, \
"candidate_count": 1, \
"topP": 0.8, \
"topK": 10}'
{ "candidates": [ { "author": "1", "content": "Hi! How can I help you today?" } ], "messages": [ { "author": "0", "content": "hi" } ] }
Parametre değerleri şu anlama gelir:
: Yanıt oluştururken sıcaklığı 0,1 olarak ayarlayın.candidate_count
: Yalnızca 1 aday yanıtı döndürür.topP
: Modelin döndürdüğü jetonların yalnızca ilk% 80'lik kısmını göz önünde bulundurun.topK
: Örnekleme yaparken ilk 10 jetonu göz önünde bulundurun.
API referansında bu parametreler hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin
Metin yerleştirme
yöntemini kullanarak
giriş mesajı verilen modelden bir yerleştirme oluşturur.
!curl$PALM_API_KEY \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"text": "say something nice!"}'
{ "embedding": { "value": [ 0.0011238843, -0.040586308, -0.013174802, 0.015497498, 0.04383781, 0.012527679, 0.017876161, 0.031339817, -0.0042566974, -0.024129443, -0.023050068, -0.015625203, 0.03501345, -0.006033779, -0.011984176, -0.033368077, -0.040653296, 0.022117265, -0.02034076, -0.040752005, -0.12748374, 0.029760985, 0.00084632, -0.017502416, -0.03893842, -0.07151896, 0.0609997, -0.0046266303, -0.044301335, -0.022592714, 0.023920823, 0.0020489343, -0.0048049283, -0.038431767, 0.007275116, 0.018562535, 0.017131427, -0.00043720857, 0.02810143, 0.053296003, 0.031831037, -0.067091785, 0.015640317, -0.0036152988, -0.04691379, -0.044070054, -0.022364588, -0.0083763655, -0.0490714, -0.007302964, 0.006516001, -0.004685413, 0.03979989, -0.014196505, 0.01065721, -0.0073698894, -0.036348466, -0.008763353, -0.01892632, -0.054501593, 0.032021806, -0.007242739, 0.0220439, -0.07687204, -0.0740849, 0.01748987, -0.027381063, -0.015533608, -0.013165218, -0.04867313, 0.041797243, 0.017989235, -0.00982055, 0.03691631, 0.010164966, -0.03985747, 0.024958102, 0.015761184, 0.02152081, -0.06986678, -0.012039569, 0.00056548475, -0.030969337, -0.07435745, -0.028182292, 0.012739926, 0.042157806, 0.023305222, -0.03230193, -0.0033747193, -0.061240233, 0.021881713, 0.009969781, -0.010255637, -0.0049942187, -0.034989387, 0.020215971, -0.020086009, 0.0010875552, 0.017283859, 0.0008415358, -0.052446693, 0.019897413, 0.010148648, 0.039659496, 0.010298634, 0.033420425, 0.043799188, -0.072159335, -0.06268149, -0.06190123, 0.049205165, -0.054376606, -0.016845694, 0.0365771, -0.037944548, 0.006270467, -0.013075792, 0.099409916, 0.030545607, -0.0732958, -0.033732962, 0.0044321134, -0.0013212749, 0.031492565, -0.014452682, 0.058129285, -0.020901497, 0.00432678, -0.014602101, 0.028027585, 0.04006542, 0.03904733, -0.041794587, -0.023020804, 0.05953402, 0.00020820377, -0.04229413, 0.0012092285, 0.035000943, -0.06702403, -0.012794849, 0.0036005897, 0.023782397, 0.014083849, -0.0036575894, 0.028294614, -0.021102497, -0.011178294, -0.0742226, -0.01762662, -0.034421157, 0.00959854, 0.030744651, 0.03575221, 0.03232364, 0.012205379, 0.0849699, -0.04682018, -0.027969383, 0.008350599, -0.002548684, 0.011669425, -0.028728798, 0.0085435, 0.0021975278, 0.03761783, -0.03241707, 0.023464072, 0.040996246, -0.001109026, -0.13223213, -0.020976847, 0.015984828, 0.09512107, -0.010276377, 0.014994116, 0.032845948, -0.034293175, 0.02430849, -0.009919951, -0.072498284, 0.026591707, 0.0015673019, -0.045289494, 0.021523945, 0.01088207, 0.006588061, -0.048151653, 0.05282844, 0.008129585, 0.027846182, 0.018659458, -0.022406245, -0.043990742, 0.017680017, 0.013181173, -0.14280352, 0.0021016353, 0.045783103, 0.0037692375, -0.039056912, 0.0116640935, 0.013924913, 0.020162055, -0.034111485, -0.080292016, 0.03685934, -0.0071554463, -0.011398124, -0.0021998466, -0.04018377, 0.10160932, 0.021735929, -0.018394442, -0.0042295344, -0.025801938, -0.036239583, -0.044041224, -0.045289584, 0.0014948259, 0.010338574, 0.024361573, -0.031958524, 0.024407288, -0.011137719, 0.0043831025, 0.014189889, 0.024169667, 0.0022451929, -0.035389382, 0.024017807, 0.01553733, -0.0473291, 0.026909798, 0.055664524, 0.03976394, -0.010415778, -0.06393292, 0.01792164, 0.029561834, 0.07391933, 0.0022118469, 0.008295304, -0.05163188, 0.010020474, -0.012885397, 0.019830104, 0.028650315, -0.013769379, 0.0338601, -0.06765002, 0.040466607, -0.010720626, 0.012154494, 0.013327016, -0.010665587, 0.037299912, 0.04323995, -0.0009342932, 0.033894684, -0.0042288457, -0.0052715484, 0.14659505, -0.063753605, -0.04746297, -0.035064638, -0.0011817935, 0.05915483, 0.031045768, -0.040024273, 0.017579468, 0.05911642, 0.05578586, 0.014392062, 0.034441307, 0.0051881303, 0.038473494, 0.023593616, 0.034369726, -0.012554688, -0.026979957, -0.008302676, 0.045971826, 0.016231172, 0.0104582505, -0.03975078, 0.016210284, -0.0496326, -0.0055911625, 0.013650961, -0.0144314915, 0.004787867, 0.036809307, 0.012353121, 0.015239806, 0.049226765, -0.028741457, -0.061572257, 0.039226513, 0.016116843, -0.024787322, -0.02130387, -0.03779633, -0.06941293, -0.049595475, 0.029587833, 0.033705294, 0.032990646, -0.05216195, 0.029583171, -0.0056521366, 0.021131132, -0.0056709587, -0.044883735, 0.025333345, 0.024979891, -0.003277763, -0.09892439, 0.03376726, -0.05836421, 0.004832982, 0.1255239, -0.008487428, 0.021888541, -0.021681873, -0.012966817, -0.028696185, 0.012639684, -0.05412777, 0.01192876, 0.034647945, -0.056298435, 0.024278637, 0.00871971, 0.090212576, 0.006437413, 0.037434887, 0.00019946751, -0.13568601, 0.028605944, -0.02006474, -0.025272185, -0.083530694, -0.04269899, 0.014648017, -0.0010991616, -0.031067085, -0.050440468, 0.00091479445, 0.0015937795, 0.045591757, -0.006403704, 0.014939055, 0.02255195, 0.027493088, -0.0012262427, 0.023612592, -0.003841696, 0.04333225, 0.020669367, 0.033022266, 0.017286869, 0.017276619, -0.009199664, 0.015230595, -0.06797182, 0.014121894, 0.013572196, -0.029916016, 0.0040522343, -0.029725965, -0.0102597, -0.013439138, -0.08198655, -0.0070174187, 0.004431028, 0.011755264, 0.0072572646, 0.037631817, -0.0051535456, -0.0081493175, -0.015169597, 0.0055189617, -0.005826631, -0.020261835, 0.083080135, 0.064882986, -0.010988733, -0.026083246, -0.015315506, -0.0015296342, 0.0059038294, -0.016090974, -0.02000143, 0.074654035, -0.008555022, 0.016888265, -0.016842794, -0.044189937, 0.019509379, -0.019198475, -0.003341484, -0.03456671, -0.0052166893, -0.023366041, -0.005331629, 0.023549462, 0.0015763871, -0.025385149, 0.019852458, -0.031065127, 0.0017880594, -0.0026873888, 0.030643448, -0.031892557, -0.079189695, -0.026351755, 0.0007078425, -0.01158725, 0.051290438, 0.038942136, -0.017992912, 0.028203778, 0.025912454, 0.015449621, -0.0447461, 0.035019837, 0.000101277845, -0.043222122, 0.008197146, -0.0072293375, -0.0016813442, -0.003254859, -0.046821237, -0.010909567, 0.12034104, 0.047507685, 0.0004942198, -0.0061685564, -0.041621834, 0.0016361383, -0.029424895, -0.027021525, 0.029043453, -0.036468945, -0.018375812, -0.03730402, -0.04374344, -0.017010607, -0.02513565, 0.0403428, 0.038378354, 0.05564215, 0.047473494, -0.0016713048, -0.0083524, -0.04078778, 0.006816706, 0.026119364, -0.033208948, -0.028723165, -0.028907888, 0.03388191, -0.027172018, -0.0056449105, 0.0076403813, -0.017191296, 0.0103864325, 0.039782897, -0.024052272, -0.000900677, -0.008114914, 0.009936376, 0.057062533, 0.015691994, 0.06488037, 0.05861413, 0.020779617, -0.0247915, -0.03869506, -0.0018747158, -0.018278932, -0.08014962, 0.054706935, -0.0061153383, 0.0060715703, -0.027196469, 0.011381146, 0.043631904, 0.04475186, 0.040986426, 0.004848564, -0.0066069923, 0.021026906, -0.021832775, 0.044528317, -0.0024687534, -0.022941994, 0.063197434, 0.028125852, 0.023551032, -0.0058099683, -0.012617737, -0.012245235, 0.026610427, -0.009620305, -0.009891919, -0.044978708, 0.01857481, -0.045637384, 0.04385301, 0.022688234, -0.03197118, -0.017255962, -0.0971544, -0.034807537, 0.050930932, -0.004510808, 0.018908406, 0.04590128, -0.0431137, 0.030199846, 0.07177168, 0.034885082, 0.031304233, 0.015819319, -0.044044714, -0.035496857, 0.01251333, -0.011556127, 0.050805565, 0.022510093, 0.024378778, -0.008928189, -0.035410564, 0.07907622, 0.0077974293, 0.08509954, 0.057877623, -0.02150467, -0.031975858, 0.031035855, 0.008521942, 0.0045759548, 0.018532533, -0.013495335, 0.027427813, 0.06354547, 0.03725446, -0.014155721, -0.07390833, -0.07398356, 0.049747474, 0.05974928, 0.03418353, -0.04185207, -0.048303224, -0.02520631, -0.032343563, -0.008572907, -0.04996052, -0.020948416, -0.017813088, 0.018417805, -0.05610268, 0.07127963, 0.044351287, -0.008157627, 0.025784992, -0.010244056, -0.049246937, -0.053404044, -0.004473588, 0.021395257, 0.012865255, 0.008757349, 0.025809702, 0.024504552, -0.008121683, -0.010630886, -0.0282137, 0.0131343175, 0.025023215, -0.054416455, -0.00987844, -0.05275506, -0.046944536, 0.012130432, -0.054224152, -0.04411418, -0.056159925, -0.0301649, -0.009835849, -0.03362433, -0.049971923, -0.008385748, -0.019473836, 0.023564048, 0.008061396, 0.0053569255, 0.019741505, 0.025652621, -0.040649947, 0.028353963, 0.033970434, 0.027768575, 0.04150317, 0.07797273, 0.0059470637, 0.016306393, 0.048800167, 0.04042705, -0.0005679075, -0.018945955, -0.0018624268, -0.050942365, 0.050798208, 0.021266282, -0.0017024949, 0.03493305, 0.014065046, -0.029225372, -0.028919723, -0.014542683, -0.0010159526, 0.0031558631, 0.026344743, -0.015071228, -0.025507499, 0.021337807, -0.0067190765, -0.04575622, -0.047282696, 0.03300356, -0.032847676, 0.04183392, 0.002707342, 0.048737124, 0.026989447, 0.005501418, 0.0005985079, -0.013466379, -0.011694075, -0.020797541, 0.013499941, -0.0013224268, -0.06625725, -0.028281163, 0.03480317, 0.015610069, -0.028201189, -0.055121798, -0.013768992, -0.013169174, 0.04281197, -0.022435848, 0.04519679, -0.011604503, 0.03215822, 0.019064883, 0.028547175, 0.0070973705, 0.030223792, -0.096697725, 0.037206784, 0.014219172, 0.025670564, 0.007972781, 0.039132267, -0.01641151, -0.053440955, -0.014801056, 0.009477607, -0.037399042, 0.017024228, 1.1309146e-06, 0.017277671, -0.014029856, 0.034332614, 0.008504508, -0.009390249, -0.0020580885, -0.04837862, -0.008487879, -0.0509186, -0.01001286, -0.015390811, -0.02409495, -0.01521604, -0.03393024, 0.0037305295, 0.0003564763, -0.026124911, -0.0011751048, -0.0892414, -0.025555352, 0.028373795, -0.023148732, 0.037046663, -0.030026339, 0.034503758, 0.06984921, 0.020804616, 0.028130436, -0.06043828, -0.017702322, 0.02253427, 0.0023957205, -0.015689885, -0.015208743, -0.005363971, 0.030644067, -0.017427318, -0.011243967, 0.012137882, 0.0005420408, 0.025897957, -0.0152362455, -0.029343305, -0.02368195, 0.049701642, 0.07361216, -0.038200952, -0.06681024, -0.03334393, 0.02077101, -0.02953543, -0.035056386, 0.00046944866, -0.0034510305, -0.030171316, 0.013363371, 0.048995305, -0.003263969, -0.021443684, 0.01924834, -0.004079115, 0.04140935, -0.10210643, -0.047827926, 0.013966705, 0.0073507936, -0.013666492, 0.030878609, 0.019740991, -0.005346492, -0.04305278, -0.0082011735, -0.0664176, -0.051891983, 0.00014011975, 0.042076, 0.039630715, -0.027207172, 0.062501706, -0.014362662, 0.007815066, -0.009666608, 0.03339132, -0.00015506323, 0.025511535, 0.028007986, -0.001376217, 0.0070980764, -0.017834678, -0.04638408, -0.03356212 ] } }
Mesaj jetonlarını say
Şunu kullanın:
bir mesaj üzerinde modelin tokenizer'ını çalıştırma yöntemi
istem dizesi ve jeton sayısı.
!curl$PALM_API_KEY \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{ \
"prompt": { \
"messages": [ \
{"content":"How many tokens?"}, \
{"content":"For this whole conversation?"} \
] \
} \
{ "tokenCount": 23 }
Model alma
Belirli bir model hakkında bilgi edinmek için get
yöntemini kullanın. Örneğin:
sürüm, görünen ad, giriş jetonu sınırı vb.
{ "name": "models/text-bison-001", "version": "001", "displayName": "Text Bison", "description": "Model targeted for text generation.", "inputTokenLimit": 8196, "outputTokenLimit": 1024, "supportedGenerationMethods": [ "generateText" ], "temperature": 0.7, "topP": 0.95, "topK": 40 }
Modelleri listeleyin
Şurada kullanılabilen tüm modelleri listelemek için list
yöntemini kullanın:
{ "models": [ { "name": "models/chat-bison-001", "version": "001", "displayName": "Chat Bison", "description": "Chat-optimized generative language model.", "inputTokenLimit": 4096, "outputTokenLimit": 1024, "supportedGenerationMethods": [ "generateMessage", "countMessageTokens" ], "temperature": 0.25, "topP": 0.95, "topK": 40 }, { "name": "models/text-bison-001", "version": "001", "displayName": "Text Bison", "description": "Model targeted for text generation.", "inputTokenLimit": 8196, "outputTokenLimit": 1024, "supportedGenerationMethods": [ "generateText" ], "temperature": 0.7, "topP": 0.95, "topK": 40 }, { "name": "models/embedding-gecko-001", "version": "001", "displayName": "Embedding Gecko", "description": "Obtain a distributed representation of a text.", "inputTokenLimit": 1024, "outputTokenLimit": 1, "supportedGenerationMethods": [ "embedText" ] } ] }