LiteRT 8 位元量化規格

以下文件概略說明 LiteRT 的 8 位元規格 量化架構此協議旨在協助硬體開發人員 硬體支援,透過量化 LiteRT 模型進行推論。


我們提供了規格,但目前我們只能針對 達到指定標準時的行為我們也瞭解不同的硬體 設置偏好設定和限制,可能會導致 但會使實作的規格不精確。 大多數的情況下可能可以接受 (不過,我們會提供一系列 最有利於 Google Cloud 的個別作業容忍度測試 也就是從多個模型收集而來,代表機器學習 (和深度學習) 的本質 因此無法提供任何硬性保證。

8 位元量化會使用下列指令,近似浮點值 。

\[real\_value = (int8\_value - zero\_point) \times scale\]

每個軸 (又稱「Conv Ops」中,每個管道) 或每個張量權重的 int8兩個在 [-127, 127] 範圍內相等的值 (零點等於) 設為 0。個別張量啟用/輸入以 int8 兩項的補充表示 範圍內 [-128, 127] 的值,其中 [-128, 127] 的範圍為零。



LiteRT 量化功能主要會優先處理 int8 量化 (適用於 8 位元)。以便對稱 零點等於 0 的量化還有許多 後端會針對「int8xint8」累計進行額外的最佳化調整。


每張張量量化是指每個 整個張量每個軸的量化代表只有一個量表和/或 quantized_dimension 中每個配量 zero_point。量化維度 會指定張量縮放和零點的維度尺寸 物件例如具有 dims=[4, 3, 2, 1] 的張量 t 量化參數:scale=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]zero_point=[1, 2, 3]quantization_dimension=1會因 t 的第二個維度進行量化:

t[:, 0, :, :] will have scale[0]=1.0, zero_point[0]=1
t[:, 1, :, :] will have scale[1]=2.0, zero_point[1]=2
t[:, 2, :, :] will have scale[2]=3.0, zero_point[2]=3

通常,quantized_dimension 是權重的 output_channel 但理論上可是與各個符記對應的維度 核心實作中的 dot-product,可以提高量化精細程度 而不會影響效能這個做法可大幅提升準確率。

TFLite 提供的作業數量與日俱增。於 本文提供 Conv2d 和 DepthwiseConv2d 的支援。


啟動作業不對稱,它們可以在 已簽署 int8,範圍為 [-128, 127]。許多啟動方式本身不具對稱性, 零點是一種相對便宜的方法 二元位數的精確度因為啟動只會乘以常數 常數的零點值則可極度最佳化

權重為對稱式:強制使零點等於 0。權重值為 乘以動態輸入值和啟用值也就是說 難以避免的執行階段成本,也就是將權重的零點乘以 啟用值。強制執行零點為 0 就能避免成本。

數學說明:這與第 2.3 節內容相似 arXiv:1712.05877,但差異除外 我們允許每個軸的比例值這會顯而易見 如下:

$A$ 是 $m\times n$ 量化啟動矩陣。
$B$ 是量化權重的 $n\times p$ 矩陣。
建議將 $A$的第 $j$ 列,$a_j$ 乘以 $k$欄 $B$、$b_k$,兩者的長度都是 $n$。量化整數值 零點值分別為 $q_a$、$z_a$ 和 $q_b$、$z_b$。

\[a_j \cdot b_k = \sum_{i=0}^{n} a_{j}^{(i)} b_{k}^{(i)} = \sum_{i=0}^{n} (q_{a}^{(i)} - z_a) (q_{b}^{(i)} - z_b) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} q_{a}^{(i)} q_{b}^{(i)} - \sum_{i=0}^{n} q_{a}^{(i)} z_b - \sum_{i=0}^{n} q_{b}^{(i)} z_a + \sum_{i=0}^{n} z_a z_b\]

這個字詞 \(\sum_{i=0}^{n} q_{a}^{(i)} q_{b}^{(i)}\) 不可避免,因為 計算輸入值和重量值的內積。

條款 \(\sum_{i=0}^{n} q_{b}^{(i)} z_a\) 與 \(\sum_{i=0}^{n} z_a z_b\) 條款為 是由常數構成,這些常數在每次推論叫用時保持不變 預先計算

每次推論都需要計算 \(\sum_{i=0}^{n} q_{a}^{(i)} z_b\) 字詞 因為啟用會變更每次推論強制要求權重 我們可以移除這個字詞的費用

int8 量化運算子規格

以下將說明 int8 tflite 核心的量化需求:

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input ...:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1 (Weight):
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-127, 127]
    granularity: per-axis (dim = 0)
    restriction: zero_point = 0
  Input 2 (Bias):
    data_type  : int32
    range      : [int32_min, int32_max]
    granularity: per-axis
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (input0_scale * input1_scale[...], 0)
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1 (Weight):
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-127, 127]
    granularity: per-axis (dim = 3)
    restriction: zero_point = 0
  Input 2 (Bias):
    data_type  : int32
    range      : [int32_min, int32_max]
    granularity: per-axis
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (input0_scale * input1_scale[...], 0)
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1 (Weight):
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-127, 127]
    granularity: per-axis (dim = 0)
    restriction: zero_point = 0
  Input 2 (Bias):
    data_type  : int32
    range      : [int32_min, int32_max]
    granularity: per-tensor
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (input0_scale * input1_scale[...], 0)
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 128.0, 0)

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 256.0, -128)

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 256.0, -128)

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (1.0 / 128.0, 0)

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
    restriction: (scale, zero_point) = (16.0 / 256.0, 127)

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  restriction: Input and outputs must all have same scale/zero_point

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Input 1:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

QUANTIZE (Requantization)
  Input 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor
  Output 0:
    data_type  : int8
    range      : [-128, 127]
    granularity: per-tensor

