API PaLM: guia de início rápido de texto com Python

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Neste notebook, você vai aprender a usar a API PaLM, que oferece acesso aos modelos de linguagem grandes mais recentes do Google. Aqui, você vai aprender a usar os recursos de geração de texto da API PaLM.


Primeiro, faça o download e instale a biblioteca Python da API PaLM.

pip install -q google-generativeai
import pprint
import google.generativeai as palm

Obter uma chave de API

Para começar, crie uma chave de API.


Geração de texto

Use a função palm.list_models para encontrar os modelos disponíveis:

models = [m for m in palm.list_models() if 'generateText' in m.supported_generation_methods]
model = models[0].name

Use o método palm.generate_text para gerar texto:

prompt = """
You are an expert at solving word problems.

Solve the following problem:

I have three houses, each with three cats.
each cat owns 4 mittens, and a hat. Each mitten was
knit from 7m of yarn, each hat from 4m.
How much yarn was needed to make all the items?

Think about it step by step, and show your work.

completion = palm.generate_text(
    # The maximum length of the response

There are 3 houses * 3 cats / house = 9 cats. So, 9 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 36 mittens were made. Also, 9 cats * 1 hat / cat = 9 hats were made. So, 36 mittens * 7m / mitten = 252m of yarn was used for the mittens. Also, 9 hats * 4m / hat = 36m of yarn was used for the hats. In total, 252m + 36m = 288m of yarn was used.
Thus, the answer is 288.

Mais opções

A função palm.generate_text tem alguns outros argumentos que vale a pena mencionar.

Sequências de paradas

Use o argumento stop_sequences para interromper a geração antecipadamente.

Por exemplo, os LLMs costumam cometer erros aritméticos. Peça ao modelo para "usar uma calculadora" colocando equações em uma tag <calc>.

Para que o comando possa ser editado, faça o modelo parar na tag de fechamento:

calc_prompt = f"""
Please solve the following problem.



Important: Use the calculator for each step.
Don't do the arithmetic in your head. 

To use the calculator wrap an equation in <calc> tags like this: 

<calc> 3 cats * 2 hats/cat </calc> = 6



while equation is None:
    completion = palm.generate_text(
        # The maximum length of the response

        response, equation = completion.result.split('<calc>', maxsplit=1)
    except Exception:

There are three houses, and each house has three cats, so there are 3 houses * 3 cats / house = 9 cats. Each cat has 4 mittens, so the cats need 9 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 36 mittens. Each mitten takes 7m of yarn, so 36 mittens * 7m / mitten = 252m of yarn. Each cat has a hat, and each hat takes 4m of yarn, so 9 cats * 4m / cat = 36m of yarn. So, in total, 36m + 252m = 288m of yarn were needed.

The answer should be
9 cats * 4 mittens / cat

Depois, calcule o resultado e crie um novo comando para o modelo continuar. Para uma implementação completa, consulte o exemplo da calculadora de texto.


Normalmente, há um certo grau de aleatoriedade no texto produzido pelos LLMs. Leia mais sobre por que na introdução do LLM. Isso significa que, quando você chama a API mais de uma vez com a mesma entrada, podem receber respostas diferentes. Use esse recurso a seu favor para ter respostas alternativas do modelo.

O argumento temperature controla a variação das respostas. O objeto palm.Model fornece o valor padrão para temperature e outros parâmetros.

Model(name='models/text-bison-001', base_model_id='', version='001', display_name='Text Bison', description='Model targeted for text generation.', input_token_limit=8196, output_token_limit=1024, supported_generation_methods=['generateText'], temperature=0.7, top_p=0.95, top_k=40)

O argumento candidate_count controla o número de respostas retornadas:

completion = palm.generate_text(
    # The number of candidates to return
    # Set the temperature to 1.0 for more variety of responses.

In each house there are 3 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 12 mittens. In total there are 3 houses * 12 mittens / house = 36 mittens. In total there are 36 mittens * 7m / mitten = 252m of yarn for the mittens. In total there are 3 houses * 3 cats / house * 1 hat / cat = 9 hats. In total there are 9 hats * 4m / hat = 36m of yarn for the hats. In total there are 36m yarn for the hats + 252m yarn for the mittens = 288m of yarn.
The answer: 288.

Quando você solicita vários candidatos, o atributo Completion.result ainda contém apenas o primeiro. O atributo Completion.candidates contém todos eles:

import pprint
[{'output': 'In each house there are 3 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 12 mittens. In '
            'total there are 3 houses * 12 mittens / house = 36 mittens. In '
            'total there are 36 mittens * 7m / mitten = 252m of yarn for the '
            'mittens. In total there are 3 houses * 3 cats / house * 1 hat / '
            'cat = 9 hats. In total there are 9 hats * 4m / hat = 36m of yarn '
            'for the hats. In total there are 36m yarn for the hats + 252m '
            'yarn for the mittens = 288m of yarn.\n'
            'The answer: 288.',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'Each house has 3 cats, so each house needs 3 * 4 = 12 mittens. '
            "With three houses, that's 3 * 12 = 36 mittens. And each house "
            'needs 3 * 1 = 3 hats. So in total, we need 3 hats + 36 mittens = '
            '39 items. Each mitten needs 7 meters of yarn, so 39 mittens need '
            '39 * 7 = 273 meters of yarn. Each hat needs 4 meters of yarn, and '
            "we need 3 hats, so that's 4 * 3 = 12 meters of yarn. So in total, "
            'we needed 12 + 273 = 285 meters of yarn.\n'
            'Thus, the answer is 285.',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'There are 3 houses * 3 cats / house = 9 cats. There are 9 cats * '
            '4 mittens / cat = 36 mittens. There are 9 cats * 1 hat / cat = 9 '
            'hats. The total amount of yarn for the mittens is 36 mittens * 7m '
            '/ mitten = 252m. The total amount of yarn for the hats is 9 hats '
            '* 4m / hat = 36m. The total amount of yarn is 252m + 36m = 288m.\n'
            'Thus, the answer is 288.',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'There are 3 houses * 3 cats / house = 9 cats. Each cat has 4 '
            'mittens + 1 hat = 5 items. So the total number of items is 9 cats '
            '* 5 items / cat = 45 items. Thus, 45 items * 7m / item = 315m of '
            'yarn was needed.\n'
            'Thus, the answer is 315.',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'Chain-of-thought:\n'
            'There are 3 houses * 3 cats / house = 9 cats.\n'
            'The cats need 9 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 36 mittens.\n'
            'The cats need 9 cats * 1 hat / cat = 9 hats.\n'
            'The mittens need 36 mittens * 7m / mitten = 252m of yarn.\n'
            'The hats need 9 hats * 4m / hat = 36m of yarn.\n'
            'Therefore, the total amount of yarn needed is 252m + 36m = 288m.\n'
            'The answer should be 288',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'First find the total number of cats: 3 houses * 3 cats / house = '
            '9 cats. Then multiply that number by the number of mittens per '
            'cat to find the total number of mittens: 9 cats * 4 mittens / cat '
            '= 36 mittens. Then multiply that number by the number of meters '
            'of yarn per mitten to find the total amount of yarn used for '
            'mittens: 36 mittens * 7 meters / mitten = 252 meters. Then do the '
            'same thing for hats: 9 cats * 1 hat / cat = 9 hats. Then multiply '
            'that number by the number of meters of yarn per hat to find the '
            'total amount of yarn used for hats: 9 hats * 4 meters / hat = 36 '
            'meters. Then add the amount of yarn used for mittens and hats to '
            'find the total amount of yarn used: 36 meters + 252 meters = 288 '
            'Thus, the answer is 288.',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'The total number of cats is 3 houses * 3 cats / house = 9 cats. '
            'So, the total number of mittens is 9 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 36 '
            'mittens. The total number of hats is 9 cats * 1 hat / cat = 9 '
            'hats. The total length of yarn needed to make the mittens is 36 '
            'mittens * 7 m / mitten = 252 m. The total length of yarn needed '
            'to make the hats is 9 hats * 4 m / hat = 36 m. So, the total '
            'length of yarn needed is 252 m + 36 m = 288 m.\n'
            'The answer: 288',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]},
 {'output': 'There are 3 houses with 3 cats each, so 3 * 3 = 9 cats. Each cat '
            'has 4 mittens and a hat, so 9 cats * 4 mittens / cat + 9 cats * 1 '
            'hat / cat = 36 mittens and 9 hats. Each mitten takes 7m of yarn '
            'and each hat takes 4m of yarn, so the total yarn needed is 36 '
            'mittens * 7m / mitten + 9 hats * 4m / hat = 252m + 36m = 288m.\n'
            'The answer: 288.',
  'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>},
                     {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>,
                      'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]}]

Como você sabe a resposta para esse problema, é fácil verificar a taxa de resolução:

import numpy as np
np.mean(['288' in c['output'] for c in completion.candidates])