
Helps you effortlessly track your daily meals and provide insights .

What it does

SnapNutriBot is fully gemini powered personal nutritionist that leverages the advanced capabilities of Gemini Vision and Gemini Flash models to help users effortlessly track their daily meals and receive insightful health tips.

SnapNutriBot uses the Gemini Vision model to accurately detect and identify the food items in the photos uploaded by users. When a user submits a photo of their meal.

In addition to meal detection and nutrient calculation, SnapNutriBot employs the Gemini Flash model to generate personalized daily health tips. Providing advice to encourage healthier eating practices. Each tip includes a motivational message, a fact, and the medical benefits of incorporating certain items into the user's daily intake. These tips are designed to be content-rich, engaging, and concise, ensuring they are easy to understand and follow.

Every day, SnapNutriBot sends out a summary of the user's total nutritional intake, providing a clear overview of their daily consumption. This summary includes the total calories, protein, carbohydrates, sugar, and fat consumed throughout the day. By offering this comprehensive insight, the bot helps users stay on track with their nutritional goals and make informed dietary choices.And full hosted on GCP.

Built with

  • Google Compute Engine



Nuhman PK

