
Contains an ongoing conversation with the model.

model = genai.GenerativeModel(model="gemini-pro")
chat = model.start_chat()
response = chat.send_message("Hello")
response = chat.send_message(...)

This ChatSession object collects the messages sent and received, in its ChatSession.history attribute.

model The model to use in the chat.
history A chat history to initialize the object with.

history The chat history.
last returns the last received genai.GenerateContentResponse



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Removes the last request/response pair from the chat history.


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Sends the conversation history with the added message and returns the model's response.

Appends the request and response to the conversation history.

model = genai.GenerativeModel(model="gemini-pro")
chat = model.start_chat()
response = chat.send_message("Hello")
"Hello! How can I assist you today?"

Call it with stream=True to receive response chunks as they are generated:

chat = model.start_chat()
response = chat.send_message("Explain quantum physics", stream=True)
for chunk in response:
  print(chunk.text, end='')

Once iteration over chunks is complete, the response and ChatSession are in states identical to the stream=False case. Some properties are not available until iteration is complete.

Like GenerativeModel.generate_content this method lets you override the model's generation_config and safety_settings.

content The message contents.
generation_config Overrides for the model's generation config.
safety_settings Overrides for the model's safety settings.
stream If True, yield response chunks as they are generated.


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The async version of ChatSession.send_message.