Vodo Drive

Save data and ask questions in Google Sheets w/ text, voice, & images.

What it does

Vodo Drive uses Gemini to help "understand" your world and connect it to spreadsheets under your control. Not just a way to do semantic and keyword searching - it both provides a way to ask questions of your data and update it using text, voice, and images.
Adding data is easy - while you can open a file and add rows or do "what-if" scenarios, you can also send pictures and tell it to save the data. Vodo uses Gemini to extract the contents of the image and find the best way to save it.
Asking questions is equally simple. Given the structure of your spreadsheet, Gemini crafts a formula that Vodo uses to answer your questions.
And all of this is done securely and responsibly. You control the files Gemini knows about. And you can see the information Gemini extracted from images and the formulas that it suggests to answer your questions.

Built with

  • Web/Chrome
  • Firebase
  • Vertex AI Gemiini API
  • Google Drive API
  • Google Sheets API
  • Google File Picker
  • Sign-In with Google
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Cloud Speech to Text
  • Google Cloud Text to Speech



United States