في بعض حالات الاستخدام، قد تحتاج إلى إيقاف الإنشاء من نموذج لإدراج نتائج محددة. على سبيل المثال، قد تواجه النماذج اللغوية مشكلة في المسائل الحسابية المعقدة، مثل المسائل الكلامية.
يعرض هذا الدليل التوجيهي مثالاً على استخدام أداة خارجية مع طريقة genai.generate_text
لكتابة الإجابة الصحيحة عن مسألة كلامية.
يستخدم هذا المثال بالتحديد الأداة numexpr
لإجراء العمليات الحسابية، ولكن يمكنك استخدام الإجراء نفسه لدمج أدوات أخرى خاصة بحالة استخدامك. في ما يلي مخطط تفصيلي للخطوات:
- حدِّد علامتَي
لتحديد النص لإرسال الأداة. - أنشِئ طلبًا يعلّم النموذج كيفية استخدام العلامات في النتيجة.
- تضمين العلامة
التي تم تمريرها إلىgenerate_text
- من نتيجة النموذج، أدخِل النص بين العلامتَين
كإدخال في الأداة. - شغِّل الأداة وأضِف مخرجاتها إلى الطلب.
- عليك طلب
مرة أخرى ليواصل النموذج مع إخراج الأداة.
ضبط إعدادات الجهاز
pip install -q google.generativeai
import google.generativeai as genai
genai.configure(api_key='YOUR API KEY')
from google.api_core import retry
def generate_text(*args, **kwargs):
return genai.generate_text(*args, **kwargs)
models = [m for m in genai.list_models() if 'generateText' in m.supported_generation_methods]
model = models[0].name
محاولة حل المشكلة مباشرة
إليك مشكلة الكلمة التي تريد حلها:
question = """
I have 77 houses, each with 31 cats.
Each cat owns 14 mittens, and 6 hats.
Each mitten was knit from 141m of yarn, each hat from 55m.
How much yarn was needed to make all the items?
prompt_template = """
You are an expert at solving word problems. Here's one:
Work through it step by step, and show your work.
One step per line.
Your solution:
جرّبها كما هي:
completion = generate_text(
# The maximum length of the response
In the houses there are 77 * 31 = 2387 cats. So they need 2387 * 14 = 33418 mittens. And they need 2387 * 6 = 14322 hats. In total they need 33418 * 141 + 14322 * 55 = 5554525m of yarn. The answer: 5554525.
تعرض رسالة المطالبة كما هي عادةً نتيجة غير صحيحة. إنه يحصل بشكل عام على الخطوات بشكل صحيح لكن العمليات الحسابية خاطئة.
يجب أن تكون الإجابة:
answer = 77*31*14*141 + 77*31*6*55
اطلب من النموذج استخدام آلة حاسبة
في هذه المحاولة التالية، أعطِ النموذج إرشادات حول كيفية الوصول إلى الآلة الحاسبة. يمكنك إجراء ذلك من خلال تحديد العلامتَين start
التي يمكن أن يستخدمها النموذج للإشارة إلى الحاجة إلى إجراء عملية حسابية. أضِف ما يلي إلى الطلب:
calc_prompt_template = """
You are an expert at solving word problems. Here's a question:
When solving this problem, use the calculator for any arithmetic.
To use the calculator, put an expression between <calc></calc> tags.
The answer will be printed after the </calc> tag.
For example: 2 houses * 8 cats/house = <calc>2 * 8</calc> = 16 cats
Work through it step by step, and show your work.
One step per line.
Your solution:
calc_prompt = calc_prompt_template.format(question=question)
لمنح النموذج إذن الوصول إلى مُخرجات هذه "الآلة الحاسبة"، عليك إيقاف عملية الإنشاء مؤقتًا وإدراج النتيجة. استخدِم الوسيطة stop_sequences
لإيقاف العلامة عند العلامة </calc>
completion = generate_text(
# The maximum length of the response
result = completion.result
In each house, there are <calc>31 * 14
لم يتم تضمين stop_sequence
في النتيجة. قسِّم التعبير وقم بتشغيله من خلال الحاسبة، ثم أضفه مرة أخرى إلى النتيجة:
# Use re to clear units from the calculator expressions
import re
# Use numexpr since `eval` is unsafe.
import numexpr
def calculator(result):
result, expression = result.rsplit('<calc>', 1)
# Strip any units like "cats / house"
clean_expression = re.sub("[a-zA-Z]([ /a-zA-Z]*[a-zA-Z])?",'', expression)
# `eval` is unsafe use numexpr
result = f"{result}<calc>{expression}</calc> = {str(numexpr.evaluate(clean_expression))}"
return result
In each house, there are <calc>31 * 14</calc> = 434
يمكنك الآن إلحاق ذلك بالطلب، وتشغيل النموذج مرة أخرى، للمتابعة من حيث توقف:
continue_prompt=calc_prompt +"\n"+ "-"*80 + "\n" + calculator(result)
completion = generate_text(
# The maximum length of the response
mittens. In each house, there are <calc>31 * 6
وهذه المرة، تابع النموذج النص من العملية الحسابية الأخيرة وانتقل إلى العملية التالية. والآن شغّله بشكل متكرر لحل المسألة الكلامية بالكامل:
def solve(question=question):
results = []
for n in range(10):
prompt = calc_prompt_template.format(question=question)
prompt += " ".join(results)
completion = generate_text(
# The maximum length of the response
result = completion.result
if '<calc>' in result:
result = calculator(result)
if str(answer) in result:
if "<calc>" not in result:
is_good = any(str(answer) in r for r in results)
if is_good:
return is_good
---------------------------------------- The total number of cats is <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. The total number of mittens is <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. The total amount of yarn needed for the mittens is <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m. The total number of hats is <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. The total amount of yarn needed for the hats is <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m. In total, <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success!
يمكنك تنفيذ ذلك عدة مرات لتقدير معدّل الحلّ:
good = []
for n in range(10):
---------------------------------------- There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. They need <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. The mittens need <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. They need <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. The hats need <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. They need a total of <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. So for the mittens, we need <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. That means we need <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for mittens. For the hats, we need <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. That means we need <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for hats. In total we need <calc>787710 + 4711938</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- In the 77 houses I have <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. They need <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. The mittens need <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. They need <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. The hats need <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. So, in total I need <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- The number of cats is <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- . Each cat needs <calc>14 * 141</calc> = 1974 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for mittens. So we need <calc>1974 * 2387</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for mittens. Each cat needs <calc>6 * 55</calc> = 330 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for hats. So we need <calc>330 * 2387</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for hats. So in total we need <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. Each cat needs <calc>14 * 141</calc> = 1974 ---------------------------------------- yarn for mittens. All cats need <calc>2387 * 1974</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- yarn for mittens. Each cat needs <calc>6 * 55</calc> = 330 ---------------------------------------- yarn for hats. All cats need <calc>2387 * 330</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- yarn for hats. All in all, you need <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. Each cat needs <calc>14 + 6</calc> = 20 ---------------------------------------- items. So we need <calc>20 * 2387</calc> = 47740 ---------------------------------------- items in total. Each mitten needs <calc>141</calc> = 141 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. So all the mittens need <calc>141 * 47740</calc> = 6731340 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. Each hat needs <calc>55</calc> = 55 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. So all the hats need <calc>55 * 47740</calc> = 2625700 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. In total, we need <calc>6731340 + 2625700</calc> = 9357040 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn. There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. Each cat needs <calc>14 + 6</calc> = 20 ******************************************************************************** Failure! ---------------------------------------- There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. There are <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. There are <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. There was <calc>141 * 33418</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn needed for mittens. There was <calc>55 * 14322</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn needed for hats. So there was <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- There are <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats in total. They need <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. That's <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- meters of yarn for mittens. They need <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. That's <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- meters of yarn for hats. So, they need <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- There are 77 houses * 31 cats / house = <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. So we need <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. So we need <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for mittens. So we need <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. So we need <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for hats. In total, we need <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success! ---------------------------------------- In total there are 77 houses * 31 cats / house = <calc>77 * 31</calc> = 2387 ---------------------------------------- cats. In total 2387 cats * 14 mittens / cat = <calc>2387 * 14</calc> = 33418 ---------------------------------------- mittens. In total 33418 mittens * 141m / mitten = <calc>33418 * 141</calc> = 4711938 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for mittens. In total 2387 cats * 6 hats / cat = <calc>2387 * 6</calc> = 14322 ---------------------------------------- hats. In total 14322 hats * 55m / hat = <calc>14322 * 55</calc> = 787710 ---------------------------------------- m of yarn for hats. In total we need 4711938 m of yarn for mittens + 787710 m of yarn for hats = <calc>4711938 + 787710</calc> = 5499648 ******************************************************************************** Success!
import numpy as np