Counting tokens

Pour obtenir un guide détaillé sur le comptage des jetons à l'aide de l'API Gemini, y compris sur la façon dont les images, l'audio et la vidéo sont comptés, consultez le guide de comptage des jetons et la recette du guide de recettes qui l'accompagne.

Méthode: models.countTokens

Exécute le tokenizer d'un modèle sur l'entrée Content et renvoie le nombre de jetons. Pour en savoir plus sur les jetons, consultez le guide des jetons.

Point de terminaison


Paramètres de chemin d'accès

model string

Obligatoire. Nom de la ressource du modèle. Il s'agit d'un identifiant que le modèle doit utiliser.

Ce nom doit correspondre à un nom de modèle renvoyé par la méthode models.list.

Format: models/{model} Il se présente sous la forme models/{model}.

Corps de la requête

Le corps de la requête contient des données présentant la structure suivante :

contents[] object (Content)

Facultatif. Entrée donnée au modèle sous la forme d'une requête. Ce champ est ignoré lorsque generateContentRequest est défini.

generateContentRequest object (GenerateContentRequest)

Facultatif. Entrée globale fournie à Model. Cela inclut l'invite, ainsi que d'autres informations de pilotage du modèle, telles que des instructions système et/ou des déclarations de fonction pour l'appel de fonction. Les Model/Content et les generateContentRequest sont mutuellement exclusifs. Vous pouvez envoyer des Model + Content ou un generateContentRequest, mais pas les deux.

Exemple de requête

from google import genai

client = genai.Client()
prompt = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

# Count tokens using the new client method.
total_tokens = client.models.count_tokens(
    model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=prompt
print("total_tokens: ", total_tokens)
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 10 )

response = client.models.generate_content(
    model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=prompt

# The usage_metadata provides detailed token counts.
# ( e.g., prompt_token_count: 11, candidates_token_count: 73, total_token_count: 84 )
// Make sure to include the following import:
// import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
const prompt = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: prompt,

const generateResponse = await ai.models.generateContent({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: prompt,
model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash")
prompt := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

// Call CountTokens to get the input token count (`total tokens`).
tokResp, err := model.CountTokens(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("total_tokens:", tokResp.TotalTokens)
// ( total_tokens: 10 )

resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {

// On the response for GenerateContent, use UsageMetadata to get
// separate input and output token counts (PromptTokenCount and
// CandidatesTokenCount, respectively), as well as the combined
// token count (TotalTokenCount).
fmt.Println("prompt_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.PromptTokenCount)
fmt.Println("candidates_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)
fmt.Println("total_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.TotalTokenCount)
// ( prompt_token_count: 10, candidates_token_count: 38, total_token_count: 48 )
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
      "contents": [{
          "text": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
val generativeModel =
        // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
        modelName = "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
        apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey)

// For text-only input
val (totalTokens) = generativeModel.countTokens("Write a story about a magic backpack.")
let generativeModel =
    // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
    name: "gemini-1.5-flash",
    // Access your API key from your on-demand resource .plist file (see "Set up your API key"
    // above)
    apiKey: APIKey.default

let prompt = "Write a story about a magic backpack."

let response = try await generativeModel.countTokens(prompt)

print("Total Tokens: \(response.totalTokens)")
// Make sure to include this import:
// import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';
final model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,
final prompt = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.';
final tokenCount = await model.countTokens([Content.text(prompt)]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');
// Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
GenerativeModel gm =
    new GenerativeModel(
        /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
        // above)
        /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey);
GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);

Content inputContent =
    new Content.Builder().addText("Write a story about a magic backpack.").build();

// For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

// For text-only input
ListenableFuture<CountTokensResponse> countTokensResponse = model.countTokens(inputContent);

    new FutureCallback<CountTokensResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(CountTokensResponse result) {
        int totalTokens = result.getTotalTokens();
        System.out.println("TotalTokens = " + totalTokens);

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
from google import genai
from google.genai import types

client = genai.Client()

chat = client.chats.create(
            role="user", parts=[types.Part(text="Hi my name is Bob")]
        types.Content(role="model", parts=[types.Part(text="Hi Bob!")]),
# Count tokens for the chat history.
        model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=chat.get_history()
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 10 )

response = chat.send_message(
    message="In one sentence, explain how a computer works to a young child."
# ( e.g., prompt_token_count: 25, candidates_token_count: 21, total_token_count: 46 )

# You can count tokens for the combined history and a new message.
extra = types.UserContent(
            text="What is the meaning of life?",
history = chat.get_history()
print(client.models.count_tokens(model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=history))
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 56 )
// Make sure to include the following import:
// import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
// Initial chat history.
const history = [
  { role: "user", parts: [{ text: "Hi my name is Bob" }] },
  { role: "model", parts: [{ text: "Hi Bob!" }] },
const chat = ai.chats.create({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  history: history,

// Count tokens for the current chat history.
const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: chat.getHistory(),

const chatResponse = await chat.sendMessage({
  message: "In one sentence, explain how a computer works to a young child.",

// Add an extra user message to the history.
const extraMessage = {
  role: "user",
  parts: [{ text: "What is the meaning of life?" }],
const combinedHistory = chat.getHistory();
const combinedCountTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: combinedHistory,
  "Combined history token count:",
model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash")
cs := model.StartChat()

cs.History = []*genai.Content{
		Parts: []genai.Part{
			genai.Text("Hi my name is Bob"),
		Role: "user",
		Parts: []genai.Part{
			genai.Text("Hi Bob!"),
		Role: "model",

prompt := "Explain how a computer works to a young child."
resp, err := cs.SendMessage(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {

// On the response for SendMessage, use `UsageMetadata` to get
// separate input and output token counts
// (`prompt_token_count` and `candidates_token_count`, respectively),
// as well as the combined token count (`total_token_count`).
fmt.Println("prompt_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.PromptTokenCount)
fmt.Println("candidates_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)
fmt.Println("total_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.TotalTokenCount)
// ( prompt_token_count: 25, candidates_token_count: 21, total_token_count: 46 )
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
      "contents": [
        {"role": "user",
        "parts": [{"text": "Hi, my name is Bob."}],
        {"role": "model",
         "parts":[{"text": "Hi Bob"}],
val generativeModel =
        // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
        modelName = "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
        apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey)

val chat =
        history =
                content(role = "user") { text("Hello, I have 2 dogs in my house.") },
                content(role = "model") {
                  text("Great to meet you. What would you like to know?")

val history = chat.history
val messageContent = content { text("This is the message I intend to send") }
val (totalTokens) = generativeModel.countTokens(*history.toTypedArray(), messageContent)
let generativeModel =
    // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
    name: "gemini-1.5-flash",
    // Access your API key from your on-demand resource .plist file (see "Set up your API key"
    // above)
    apiKey: APIKey.default

// Optionally specify existing chat history
let history = [
  ModelContent(role: "user", parts: "Hello, I have 2 dogs in my house."),
  ModelContent(role: "model", parts: "Great to meet you. What would you like to know?"),

// Initialize the chat with optional chat history
let chat = generativeModel.startChat(history: history)

let response = try await generativeModel.countTokens(chat.history + [
  ModelContent(role: "user", parts: "This is the message I intend to send"),
print("Total Tokens: \(response.totalTokens)")
// Make sure to include this import:
// import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';
final model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,
final chat = model.startChat(history: [
  Content.text('Hi my name is Bob'),
  Content.model([TextPart('Hi Bob!')])
var tokenCount = await model.countTokens(chat.history);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');

final response = await chat.sendMessage(Content.text(
    'In one sentence, explain how a computer works to a young child.'));
if (response.usageMetadata case final usage?) {
  print('Prompt: ${usage.promptTokenCount}, '
      'Candidates: ${usage.candidatesTokenCount}, '
      'Total: ${usage.totalTokenCount}');

tokenCount = await model.countTokens(
    [, Content.text('What is the meaning of life?')]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');
// Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
GenerativeModel gm =
    new GenerativeModel(
        /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
        // above)
        /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey);
GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);

// (optional) Create previous chat history for context
Content.Builder userContentBuilder = new Content.Builder();
userContentBuilder.addText("Hello, I have 2 dogs in my house.");
Content userContent =;

Content.Builder modelContentBuilder = new Content.Builder();
modelContentBuilder.addText("Great to meet you. What would you like to know?");
Content modelContent =;

List<Content> history = Arrays.asList(userContent, modelContent);

// Initialize the chat
ChatFutures chat = model.startChat(history);

Content messageContent =
    new Content.Builder().addText("This is the message I intend to send").build();

Collections.addAll(history, messageContent);

// For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

ListenableFuture<CountTokensResponse> countTokensResponse =
    model.countTokens(history.toArray(new Content[0]));
    new FutureCallback<CountTokensResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(CountTokensResponse result) {

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
from google import genai
import PIL.Image

client = genai.Client()
prompt = "Tell me about this image"
your_image_file = / "organ.jpg")

# Count tokens for combined text and inline image.
        model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=[prompt, your_image_file]
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 263 )

response = client.models.generate_content(
    model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=[prompt, your_image_file]
# ( e.g., prompt_token_count: 264, candidates_token_count: 80, total_token_count: 345 )
// Make sure to include the following import:
// import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
const prompt = "Tell me about this image";
const imageBuffer = fs.readFileSync(path.join(media, "organ.jpg"));

// Convert buffer to base64 string.
const imageBase64 = imageBuffer.toString("base64");

// Build contents using createUserContent and createPartFromBase64.
const contents = createUserContent([
  createPartFromBase64(imageBase64, "image/jpeg"),

const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: contents,

const generateResponse = await ai.models.generateContent({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: contents,
model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash")
prompt := "Tell me about this image"
imageFile, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(testDataDir, "personWorkingOnComputer.jpg"))
if err != nil {
// Call `CountTokens` to get the input token count
// of the combined text and file (`total_tokens`).
// An image's display or file size does not affect its token count.
// Optionally, you can call `count_tokens` for the text and file separately.
tokResp, err := model.CountTokens(ctx, genai.Text(prompt), genai.ImageData("jpeg", imageFile))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("total_tokens:", tokResp.TotalTokens)
// ( total_tokens: 264 )

resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(prompt), genai.ImageData("jpeg", imageFile))
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("prompt_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.PromptTokenCount)
fmt.Println("candidates_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)
fmt.Println("total_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.TotalTokenCount)
// ( prompt_token_count: 264, candidates_token_count: 100, total_token_count: 364 )
curl "$GEMINI_API_KEY" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
      "contents": [{
            {"text": "Tell me about this instrument"},
              "inline_data": {
                "data": "'$(base64 $B64FLAGS $IMG_PATH)'"
       }' 2> /dev/null
val generativeModel =
        // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
        modelName = "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
        apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey)

val image1: Bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.resources, R.drawable.image1)
val image2: Bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.resources, R.drawable.image2)

val multiModalContent = content {
  text("What's the difference between these pictures?")

val (totalTokens) = generativeModel.countTokens(multiModalContent)
let generativeModel =
    // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
    name: "gemini-1.5-flash",
    // Access your API key from your on-demand resource .plist file (see "Set up your API key"
    // above)
    apiKey: APIKey.default

guard let image1 = UIImage(systemName: "cloud.sun") else { fatalError() }
guard let image2 = UIImage(systemName: "cloud.heavyrain") else { fatalError() }

let prompt = "What's the difference between these pictures?"

let response = try await generativeModel.countTokens(image1, image2, prompt)
print("Total Tokens: \(response.totalTokens)")
// Make sure to include this import:
// import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';
final model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,

Future<DataPart> fileToPart(String mimeType, String path) async {
  return DataPart(mimeType, await File(path).readAsBytes());

final prompt = 'Tell me about this image';
final image = await fileToPart('image/jpeg', 'resources/organ.jpg');
final content = Content.multi([TextPart(prompt), image]);

// An image's display size does not affet its token count.
// Optionally, you can call `countTokens` for the prompt and file separately.
final tokenCount = await model.countTokens([content]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');

final response = await model.generateContent([content]);
if (response.usageMetadata case final usage?) {
  print('Prompt: ${usage.promptTokenCount}, '
      'Candidates: ${usage.candidatesTokenCount}, '
      'Total: ${usage.totalTokenCount}');
// Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
GenerativeModel gm =
    new GenerativeModel(
        /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
        // above)
        /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey);
GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);
Content text = new Content.Builder().addText("Write a story about a magic backpack.").build();

// For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

// For text-and-image input
Bitmap image1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.image1);
Bitmap image2 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.image2);

Content multiModalContent =
    new Content.Builder()
        .addText("What's different between these pictures?")

ListenableFuture<CountTokensResponse> countTokensResponse =

    new FutureCallback<CountTokensResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(CountTokensResponse result) {
        int totalTokens = result.getTotalTokens();
        System.out.println("TotalTokens = " + totalTokens);

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
from google import genai
import time

client = genai.Client()
prompt = "Tell me about this video"
your_file = client.files.upload(file=media / "Big_Buck_Bunny.mp4")

# Wait for the video to be processed.
while == "PROCESSING":
    print("processing video...")
    your_file = client.files.get(

        model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=[prompt, your_file]
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 300 )

response = client.models.generate_content(
    model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=[prompt, your_file]
# ( e.g., prompt_token_count: 301, candidates_token_count: 60, total_token_count: 361 )
// Make sure to include the following import:
// import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
const prompt = "Tell me about this video";
let videoFile = await ai.files.upload({
  file: path.join(media, "Big_Buck_Bunny.mp4"),
  config: { mimeType: "video/mp4" },

// Poll until the video file is completely processed (state becomes ACTIVE).
while (!videoFile.state || videoFile.state.toString() !== "ACTIVE") {
  console.log("Processing video...");
  console.log("File state: ", videoFile.state);
  await sleep(5000);
  videoFile = await ai.files.get({ name: });

const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: createUserContent([
    createPartFromUri(videoFile.uri, videoFile.mimeType),

const generateResponse = await ai.models.generateContent({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: createUserContent([
    createPartFromUri(videoFile.uri, videoFile.mimeType),
model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash")
prompt := "Tell me about this video"
file, err := client.UploadFileFromPath(ctx, filepath.Join(testDataDir, "earth.mp4"), nil)
if err != nil {
defer client.DeleteFile(ctx, file.Name)

fd := genai.FileData{URI: file.URI}
// Call `CountTokens` to get the input token count
// of the combined text and file (`total_tokens`).
// A video or audio file is converted to tokens at a fixed rate of tokens per
// second.
// Optionally, you can call `count_tokens` for the text and file separately.
tokResp, err := model.CountTokens(ctx, genai.Text(prompt), fd)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("total_tokens:", tokResp.TotalTokens)
// ( total_tokens: 1481 )

resp, err := model.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(prompt), fd)
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("prompt_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.PromptTokenCount)
fmt.Println("candidates_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)
fmt.Println("total_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.TotalTokenCount)
// ( prompt_token_count: 1481, candidates_token_count: 43, total_token_count: 1524 )

MIME_TYPE=$(file -b --mime-type "${VIDEO_PATH}")
NUM_BYTES=$(wc -c < "${VIDEO_PATH}")

# Initial resumable request defining metadata.
# The upload url is in the response headers dump them to a file.
curl "${BASE_URL}/upload/v1beta/files?key=${GOOGLE_API_KEY}" \
  -D upload-header.tmp \
  -H "X-Goog-Upload-Protocol: resumable" \
  -H "X-Goog-Upload-Command: start" \
  -H "X-Goog-Upload-Header-Content-Length: ${NUM_BYTES}" \
  -H "X-Goog-Upload-Header-Content-Type: ${MIME_TYPE}" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d "{'file': {'display_name': '${DISPLAY_NAME}'}}" 2> /dev/null

upload_url=$(grep -i "x-goog-upload-url: " "${tmp_header_file}" | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d "\r")
rm "${tmp_header_file}"

# Upload the actual bytes.
curl "${upload_url}" \
  -H "Content-Length: ${NUM_BYTES}" \
  -H "X-Goog-Upload-Offset: 0" \
  -H "X-Goog-Upload-Command: upload, finalize" \
  --data-binary "@${VIDEO_PATH}" 2> /dev/null > file_info.json

file_uri=$(jq ".file.uri" file_info.json)

state=$(jq ".file.state" file_info.json)

name=$(jq "" file_info.json)

while [[ "($state)" = *"PROCESSING"* ]];
  echo "Processing video..."
  sleep 5
  # Get the file of interest to check state
  curl$name > file_info.json
  state=$(jq ".file.state" file_info.json)

curl "$GOOGLE_API_KEY" \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -X POST \
    -d '{
      "contents": [{
          {"text": "Describe this video clip"},
          {"file_data":{"mime_type": "video/mp4", "file_uri": '$file_uri'}}]
from google import genai

client = genai.Client()
sample_pdf = client.files.upload(file=media / "test.pdf")
token_count = client.models.count_tokens(
    contents=["Give me a summary of this document.", sample_pdf],

response = client.models.generate_content(
    contents=["Give me a summary of this document.", sample_pdf],
from google import genai
from google.genai import types
import time

client = genai.Client()
your_file = client.files.upload(file=media / "a11.txt")

cache = client.caches.create(
        "contents": ["Here the Apollo 11 transcript:", your_file],
        "system_instruction": None,
        "tools": None,

# Create a prompt.
prompt = "Please give a short summary of this file."

# Count tokens for the prompt (the cached content is not passed here).
print(client.models.count_tokens(model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=prompt))
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 9 )

response = client.models.generate_content(
# ( e.g., prompt_token_count: ..., cached_content_token_count: ..., candidates_token_count: ... )
  // Make sure to include the following import:
  // import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
  const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
  const textFile = await ai.files.upload({
    file: path.join(media, "a11.txt"),
    config: { mimeType: "text/plain" },

  const cache = await ai.caches.create({
    model: "gemini-1.5-flash-001",
    config: {
      contents: createUserContent([
        "Here the Apollo 11 transcript:",
        createPartFromUri(textFile.uri, textFile.mimeType),
      system_instruction: null,
      tools: null,

  const prompt = "Please give a short summary of this file.";
  const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,

  const generateResponse = await ai.models.generateContent({
    model: "gemini-1.5-flash-001",
    contents: prompt,
    config: { cachedContent: },

  await ai.caches.delete({ name: });
  return {
    totalTokens: countTokensResponse.totalTokens,
    usage: generateResponse.usageMetadata,

// Error: systemInstruction parameter is not supported in Gemini API.
export async function tokensSystemInstruction() {
  // Make sure to include the following import:
  // import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
  const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
  const prompt = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
  const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
    "base_count (no system instruction):",

  // Uncomment if the API gets support for systemInstruction in count_tokens.
  const countTokensWithSysInstResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
    config: {systemInstruction: 'You are a cat. Your name is Neko.'},
    "total_tokens (with system instruction):",
  return {
    responseTokenCount: countTokensResponse.totalTokens,
    // Uncomment if the API gets support for systemInstruction in count_tokens.
    // sysInstResponseTokenCount: countTokensWithSysInstResponse.totalTokens,

// Error: tools parameter is not supported in Gemini API.
export async function tokensTools() {
  // Make sure to include the following import:
  // import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
  const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
  const prompt =
    "I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, how many mittens is that in total?";
  const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
  console.log("total_tokens (no tools):", countTokensResponse.totalTokens);

  // Define function declarations for arithmetic operations.
  const addDeclaration = {
    name: "addNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
      description: "Return the result of adding two numbers.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
            "The first parameter which can be an integer or a floating point number.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
            "The second parameter which can be an integer or a floating point number.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const subtractDeclaration = {
    name: "subtractNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
        "Return the result of subtracting the second number from the first.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The first parameter.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The second parameter.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const multiplyDeclaration = {
    name: "multiplyNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
      description: "Return the product of two numbers.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The first parameter.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The second parameter.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const divideDeclaration = {
    name: "divideNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
        "Return the quotient of dividing the first number by the second.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The first parameter.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The second parameter.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const tools = {
    functionDeclarations: [

  // Uncomment if the API gets support for tools in count_tokens.
  const countTokensWithToolsResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
    config: { tools: tools }
  console.log("total_tokens (with tools):", countTokensWithToolsResponse.totalTokens);
  return {
    responseTokenCount: countTokensResponse.totalTokens,
    // Uncomment if the API gets support for tools in count_tokens.
    // toolsResponseTokenCount : countTokensWithToolsResponse.totalTokens
txt := strings.Repeat("George Washington was the first president of the United States. ", 3000)
argcc := &genai.CachedContent{
	Model:    "gemini-1.5-flash-001",
	Contents: []*genai.Content{genai.NewUserContent(genai.Text(txt))},
cc, err := client.CreateCachedContent(ctx, argcc)
if err != nil {
defer client.DeleteCachedContent(ctx, cc.Name)

modelWithCache := client.GenerativeModelFromCachedContent(cc)
prompt := "Summarize this statement"
tokResp, err := modelWithCache.CountTokens(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("total_tokens:", tokResp.TotalTokens)
// ( total_tokens: 5 )

resp, err := modelWithCache.GenerateContent(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {

fmt.Println("prompt_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.PromptTokenCount)
fmt.Println("candidates_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.CandidatesTokenCount)
fmt.Println("cached_content_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.CachedContentTokenCount)
fmt.Println("total_token_count:", resp.UsageMetadata.TotalTokenCount)
// ( prompt_token_count: 33007,  candidates_token_count: 39, cached_content_token_count: 33002, total_token_count: 33046 )
from google import genai
from google.genai import types

client = genai.Client()
prompt = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

base_count = client.models.count_tokens(
    model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=prompt
print("total_tokens (no system instruction):", base_count)
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 10 )

# When using a system instruction, include it in the count tokens config.
# TODO: Uncomment once the API stops failing

# count_with_sys = client.models.count_tokens(
#     model="gemini-2.0-flash",
#     contents=prompt,
#     config=types.CountTokensConfig(system_instruction="You are a cat. Your name is Neko.")
# )
# print("total_tokens (with system instruction):", count_with_sys)
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 21 )
  // Make sure to include the following import:
  // import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
  const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
  const prompt = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
  const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
    "base_count (no system instruction):",

  // Uncomment if the API gets support for systemInstruction in count_tokens.
  const countTokensWithSysInstResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
    config: {systemInstruction: 'You are a cat. Your name is Neko.'},
    "total_tokens (with system instruction):",
  return {
    responseTokenCount: countTokensResponse.totalTokens,
    // Uncomment if the API gets support for systemInstruction in count_tokens.
    // sysInstResponseTokenCount: countTokensWithSysInstResponse.totalTokens,

// Error: tools parameter is not supported in Gemini API.
export async function tokensTools() {
  // Make sure to include the following import:
  // import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
  const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
  const prompt =
    "I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, how many mittens is that in total?";
  const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
  console.log("total_tokens (no tools):", countTokensResponse.totalTokens);

  // Define function declarations for arithmetic operations.
  const addDeclaration = {
    name: "addNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
      description: "Return the result of adding two numbers.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
            "The first parameter which can be an integer or a floating point number.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
            "The second parameter which can be an integer or a floating point number.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const subtractDeclaration = {
    name: "subtractNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
        "Return the result of subtracting the second number from the first.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The first parameter.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The second parameter.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const multiplyDeclaration = {
    name: "multiplyNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
      description: "Return the product of two numbers.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The first parameter.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The second parameter.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const divideDeclaration = {
    name: "divideNumbers",
    parameters: {
      type: "object",
        "Return the quotient of dividing the first number by the second.",
      properties: {
        firstParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The first parameter.",
        secondParam: {
          type: "number",
          description: "The second parameter.",
      required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

  const tools = {
    functionDeclarations: [

  // Uncomment if the API gets support for tools in count_tokens.
  const countTokensWithToolsResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
    model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
    contents: prompt,
    config: { tools: tools }
  console.log("total_tokens (with tools):", countTokensWithToolsResponse.totalTokens);
  return {
    responseTokenCount: countTokensResponse.totalTokens,
    // Uncomment if the API gets support for tools in count_tokens.
    // toolsResponseTokenCount : countTokensWithToolsResponse.totalTokens
model := client.GenerativeModel("gemini-1.5-flash")
prompt := "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

respNoInstruction, err := model.CountTokens(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("total_tokens:", respNoInstruction.TotalTokens)
// ( total_tokens: 10 )

// The total token count includes everything sent to the GenerateContent
// request. When you use system instructions, the total token
// count increases.
model.SystemInstruction = genai.NewUserContent(genai.Text("You are a cat. Your name is Neko."))
respWithInstruction, err := model.CountTokens(ctx, genai.Text(prompt))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("total_tokens:", respWithInstruction.TotalTokens)
// ( total_tokens: 21 )
val generativeModel =
        // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
        modelName = "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
        apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey,
        systemInstruction = content(role = "system") { text("You are a cat. Your name is Neko.")}

// For text-only input
val (totalTokens) = generativeModel.countTokens("What is your name?")
let generativeModel =
    // Specify a model that supports system instructions, like a Gemini 1.5 model
    name: "gemini-1.5-flash",
    // Access your API key from your on-demand resource .plist file (see "Set up your API key"
    // above)
    apiKey: APIKey.default,
    systemInstruction: ModelContent(role: "system", parts: "You are a cat. Your name is Neko.")

let prompt = "What is your name?"

let response = try await generativeModel.countTokens(prompt)
print("Total Tokens: \(response.totalTokens)")
// Make sure to include this import:
// import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';
var model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,
final prompt = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.';

// The total token count includes everything sent in the `generateContent`
// request.
var tokenCount = await model.countTokens([Content.text(prompt)]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');
model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,
  systemInstruction: Content.system('You are a cat. Your name is Neko.'),
tokenCount = await model.countTokens([Content.text(prompt)]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');
// Create your system instructions
Content systemInstruction =
    new Content.Builder().addText("You are a cat. Your name is Neko.").build();

// Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
GenerativeModel gm =
    new GenerativeModel(
        /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
        // above)
        /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey,
        /* generationConfig (optional) */ null,
        /* safetySettings (optional) */ null,
        /* requestOptions (optional) */ new RequestOptions(),
        /* tools (optional) */ null,
        /* toolsConfig (optional) */ null,
        /* systemInstruction (optional) */ systemInstruction);
GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);

Content inputContent = new Content.Builder().addText("What's your name?.").build();

// For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

// For text-only input
ListenableFuture<CountTokensResponse> countTokensResponse = model.countTokens(inputContent);

    new FutureCallback<CountTokensResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(CountTokensResponse result) {
        int totalTokens = result.getTotalTokens();
        System.out.println("TotalTokens = " + totalTokens);

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
from google import genai
from google.genai import types

client = genai.Client()
prompt = (
    "I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, how many mittens is that in total?"
print(client.models.count_tokens(model="gemini-2.0-flash", contents=prompt))
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 22 )

# Define the function declarations for the arithmetic operations
add_function = types.FunctionDeclaration(
    description="Return the sum of a and b",
            "a": types.Schema(
                description="The first number",
            "b": types.Schema(
                description="The second number",
        required=["a", "b"],

subtract_function = types.FunctionDeclaration(
    description="Return the difference of a and b (a - b)",
            "a": types.Schema(
                description="The first number",
            "b": types.Schema(
                description="The second number",
        required=["a", "b"],

multiply_function = types.FunctionDeclaration(
    description="Return the product of a and b",
            "a": types.Schema(
                description="The first number",
            "b": types.Schema(
                description="The second number",
        required=["a", "b"],

divide_function = types.FunctionDeclaration(
    description="Return the quotient of a divided by b",
            "a": types.Schema(
                description="The numerator",
            "b": types.Schema(
                description="The denominator (must not be zero)",
        required=["a", "b"],
tools = [

# Count tokens when tools are included. Tools increase the token count.
# TODO: Uncomment once the API stops failing
# tokens_with_tools = client.models.count_tokens(
#     model="gemini-2.0-flash",
#     contents=prompt,
#     config=types.CountTokensConfig(tools=tools)
# )
# print(tokens_with_tools)
# ( e.g., total_tokens: 206 )
// Make sure to include the following import:
// import {GoogleGenAI} from '@google/genai';
const ai = new GoogleGenAI({ apiKey: process.env.GEMINI_API_KEY });
const prompt =
  "I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, how many mittens is that in total?";
const countTokensResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: prompt,
console.log("total_tokens (no tools):", countTokensResponse.totalTokens);

// Define function declarations for arithmetic operations.
const addDeclaration = {
  name: "addNumbers",
  parameters: {
    type: "object",
    description: "Return the result of adding two numbers.",
    properties: {
      firstParam: {
        type: "number",
          "The first parameter which can be an integer or a floating point number.",
      secondParam: {
        type: "number",
          "The second parameter which can be an integer or a floating point number.",
    required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

const subtractDeclaration = {
  name: "subtractNumbers",
  parameters: {
    type: "object",
      "Return the result of subtracting the second number from the first.",
    properties: {
      firstParam: {
        type: "number",
        description: "The first parameter.",
      secondParam: {
        type: "number",
        description: "The second parameter.",
    required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

const multiplyDeclaration = {
  name: "multiplyNumbers",
  parameters: {
    type: "object",
    description: "Return the product of two numbers.",
    properties: {
      firstParam: {
        type: "number",
        description: "The first parameter.",
      secondParam: {
        type: "number",
        description: "The second parameter.",
    required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

const divideDeclaration = {
  name: "divideNumbers",
  parameters: {
    type: "object",
      "Return the quotient of dividing the first number by the second.",
    properties: {
      firstParam: {
        type: "number",
        description: "The first parameter.",
      secondParam: {
        type: "number",
        description: "The second parameter.",
    required: ["firstParam", "secondParam"],

const tools = {
  functionDeclarations: [

// Uncomment if the API gets support for tools in count_tokens.
const countTokensWithToolsResponse = await ai.models.countTokens({
  model: "gemini-2.0-flash",
  contents: prompt,
  config: { tools: tools }
console.log("total_tokens (with tools):", countTokensWithToolsResponse.totalTokens);
val multiplyDefinition = defineFunction(
    name = "multiply",
    description = "returns the product of the provided numbers.",
    parameters = listOf(
        Schema.double("a", "First number"),
        Schema.double("b", "Second number")
val usableFunctions = listOf(multiplyDefinition)

val generativeModel =
        // Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
        modelName = "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key" above)
        apiKey = BuildConfig.apiKey,
        tools = listOf(Tool(usableFunctions))

// For text-only input
val (totalTokens) = generativeModel.countTokens("What's the product of 9 and 358?")
let generativeModel =
    // Specify a model that supports system instructions, like a Gemini 1.5 model
    name: "gemini-1.5-flash",
    // Access your API key from your on-demand resource .plist file (see "Set up your API key"
    // above)
    apiKey: APIKey.default,
    tools: [Tool(functionDeclarations: [
        name: "controlLight",
        description: "Set the brightness and color temperature of a room light.",
        parameters: [
          "brightness": Schema(
            type: .number,
            format: "double",
            description: "Light level from 0 to 100. Zero is off and 100 is full brightness."
          "colorTemperature": Schema(
            type: .string,
            format: "enum",
            description: "Color temperature of the light fixture.",
            enumValues: ["daylight", "cool", "warm"]
        requiredParameters: ["brightness", "colorTemperature"]

let prompt = "Dim the lights so the room feels cozy and warm."

let response = try await generativeModel.countTokens(prompt)
print("Total Tokens: \(response.totalTokens)")
// Make sure to include this import:
// import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';
var model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,
final prompt = 'I have 57 cats, each owns 44 mittens, '
    'how many mittens is that in total?';

// The total token count includes everything sent in the `generateContent`
// request.
var tokenCount = await model.countTokens([Content.text(prompt)]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');
final binaryFunction = Schema.object(
  properties: {
    'a': Schema.number(nullable: false),
    'b': Schema.number(nullable: false)
  requiredProperties: ['a', 'b'],

model = GenerativeModel(
  model: 'gemini-1.5-flash',
  apiKey: apiKey,
  tools: [
    Tool(functionDeclarations: [
      FunctionDeclaration('add', 'returns a + b', binaryFunction),
      FunctionDeclaration('subtract', 'returns a - b', binaryFunction),
      FunctionDeclaration('multipley', 'returns a * b', binaryFunction),
      FunctionDeclaration('divide', 'returns a / b', binaryFunction)
tokenCount = await model.countTokens([Content.text(prompt)]);
print('Total tokens: ${tokenCount.totalTokens}');
FunctionDeclaration multiplyDefinition =
        /* name  */ "multiply",
        /* description */ "returns a * b.",
        /* parameters */ Arrays.asList(
            Schema.numDouble("a", "First parameter"),
            Schema.numDouble("b", "Second parameter")),
        /* required */ Arrays.asList("a", "b"));

Tool tool = new Tool(Arrays.asList(multiplyDefinition), null);

// Specify a Gemini model appropriate for your use case
GenerativeModel gm =
    new GenerativeModel(
        /* modelName */ "gemini-1.5-flash",
        // Access your API key as a Build Configuration variable (see "Set up your API key"
        // above)
        /* apiKey */ BuildConfig.apiKey,
        /* generationConfig (optional) */ null,
        /* safetySettings (optional) */ null,
        /* requestOptions (optional) */ new RequestOptions(),
        /* tools (optional) */ Arrays.asList(tool));
GenerativeModelFutures model = GenerativeModelFutures.from(gm);

Content inputContent = new Content.Builder().addText("What's your name?.").build();

// For illustrative purposes only. You should use an executor that fits your needs.
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

// For text-only input
ListenableFuture<CountTokensResponse> countTokensResponse = model.countTokens(inputContent);

    new FutureCallback<CountTokensResponse>() {
      public void onSuccess(CountTokensResponse result) {
        int totalTokens = result.getTotalTokens();
        System.out.println("TotalTokens = " + totalTokens);

      public void onFailure(Throwable t) {

Corps de la réponse

Réponse de models.countTokens.

Elle renvoie le tokenCount du modèle pour le prompt.

Si la requête aboutit, le corps de la réponse contient des données qui ont la structure suivante :

totalTokens integer

Nombre de jetons que Model tokenize prompt. Cette valeur ne doit pas être négative.

cachedContentTokenCount integer

Nombre de jetons dans la partie mise en cache de la requête (contenu mis en cache).

promptTokensDetails[] object (ModalityTokenCount)

Uniquement en sortie. Liste des modalités traitées dans l'entrée de la requête.

cacheTokensDetails[] object (ModalityTokenCount)

Uniquement en sortie. Liste des modalités qui ont été traitées dans le contenu mis en cache.

Représentation JSON
  "totalTokens": integer,
  "cachedContentTokenCount": integer,
  "promptTokensDetails": [
      object (ModalityTokenCount)
  "cacheTokensDetails": [
      object (ModalityTokenCount)


Demandez à générer une fin à partir du modèle.

model string

Obligatoire. Nom de l'Model à utiliser pour générer la saisie semi-automatique.

Format : models/{model}.

contents[] object (Content)

Obligatoire. Contenu de la conversation en cours avec le modèle.

Pour les requêtes à un seul tour, il s'agit d'une instance unique. Pour les requêtes multitours telles que chat, il s'agit d'un champ répété contenant l'historique de la conversation et la dernière requête.

tools[] object (Tool)

Facultatif. Liste des Tools que le Model peut utiliser pour générer la réponse suivante.

Un Tool est un morceau de code qui permet au système d'interagir avec des systèmes externes pour effectuer une action ou un ensemble d'actions en dehors du champ d'application et des connaissances du Model. Les Tool acceptés sont Function et codeExecution. Pour en savoir plus, consultez les guides Appels de fonction et Exécution du code.

toolConfig object (ToolConfig)

Facultatif. Configuration de l'outil pour tout Tool spécifié dans la requête. Pour obtenir un exemple d'utilisation, consultez le guide d'appel de fonction.

safetySettings[] object (SafetySetting)

Facultatif. Liste d'instances SafetySetting uniques pour le blocage du contenu non sécurisé.

Cette règle sera appliquée aux GenerateContentRequest.contents et GenerateContentResponse.candidates. Il ne doit pas y avoir plus d'un paramètre pour chaque type SafetyCategory. L'API bloque tous les contenus et réponses qui ne respectent pas les seuils définis par ces paramètres. Cette liste remplace les paramètres par défaut de chaque SafetyCategory spécifié dans les paramètres de sécurité. Si aucun SafetySetting n'est fourni pour un SafetyCategory donné dans la liste, l'API utilise le paramètre de sécurité par défaut pour cette catégorie. Les catégories de préjudice HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH, HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUALLY_EXPLICIT, HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS_CONTENT, HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT et HARM_CATEGORY_CIVIC_INTEGRITY sont acceptées. Pour en savoir plus sur les paramètres de sécurité disponibles, consultez le guide. Consultez également les Consignes de sécurité pour découvrir comment intégrer des considérations de sécurité à vos applications d'IA.

systemInstruction object (Content)

Facultatif. Le développeur a défini une ou plusieurs instructions système. Pour le moment, texte uniquement.

generationConfig object (GenerationConfig)

Facultatif. Options de configuration pour la génération de modèles et les sorties.

cachedContent string

Facultatif. Nom du contenu mis en cache à utiliser comme contexte pour diffuser la prédiction. Format : cachedContents/{cachedContent}

Représentation JSON
  "model": string,
  "contents": [
      object (Content)
  "tools": [
      object (Tool)
  "toolConfig": {
    object (ToolConfig)
  "safetySettings": [
      object (SafetySetting)
  "systemInstruction": {
    object (Content)
  "generationConfig": {
    object (GenerationConfig)
  "cachedContent": string