Bliss AI

A novel AI tutor and study pal, that makes learning more accessible.

What it does

Bliss AI is an Android app transforming learning & addressing critical challenges in education accessibility. Created by a high school student, it offers four innovative features:

1. Bliss AI Tutor: Powered by Gemini 1.5 Pro, a PhD-level tutor for underprivileged students. The ONLY mobile app with advanced LaTeX rendering for clear math & science explanations. It has a novel self-learning memory system to adapt to each student's learning style. It’s also hyper-personalised to their curriculum, grade, etc.

2. AI Marks Analyzer: Transforms raw exam scores into actionable insights, uncovering hidden trends in academic performance with quantitative statistics & qualitative AI analysis.

3. AI Study Scheduler: Creates optimized weekly study schedules based on marks history & preferences, allocating more time to subjects needing improvement.

4. Gamified To-Do List: Makes task management motivating, pre-sorted by subjects.
Features 1-3 use the Gemini API with custom dynamic prompts. Custom LLM function calling enables Bliss to have & update its "memory". LaTeX rendering implemented.

Bliss AI is designed for social impact & accessibility. It's being deployed free in NGO-run schools with over 100 students, after positive feedback from ~50 testers. Exceptionally optimized at 8MB for wide usability on resource-constrained devices & tablets.

Built with

  • Android
  • Web/Chrome



Jesai Tarun (Bliss AI)

