
Your Ultimate Shopping Assistant

What it does

Shooper is a state-of-the-art shopping assistant and search engine designed to help users effortlessly discover the best products tailored to their needs. Powered by Gemini and Gemma 2.
- Structured Product Data Retrieval:
Shooper employs the Gemini API in its crawling agent to gather structured data from online stores. This data is formatted according to predefined standards and output as a JSON file, ensuring consistency and accuracy across our platform.
- Advanced Search and Suggestion System:
At the search and suggestion features lies the Gemini API. By leveraging its powerful embedding capabilities, we provide users with highly relevant product results that perfectly match their queries.
- Personalized Shooper Assistant:
The Gemini API powers our Shooper Assistant, enabling it to generate tailored product recommendations and shopping tips.
- Smart Query Suggestions:
Gemini's advanced algorithms allow Shooper to suggest related queries, helping users refine their searches and discover additional products of interest, making the shopping journey more efficient and enjoyable.
- Accurate Product Classification:
Shooper utilizes Gemma 2 for zero-shot classification to accurately categorize products without the need for extensive labeled training data.

By integrating the Gemini API, Shooper delivers an intuitive, AI-driven shopping experience that adapts to each user’s unique needs and preferences.

Built with

  • Web/Chrome
  • Gemma 2




