AudioClassifier | Performs audio classification on audio clips or audio stream. |
AudioClassifier.AudioClassifierOptions | Options for setting up and AudioClassifier . |
AudioClassifier.AudioClassifierOptions.Builder | Builder for AudioClassifier.AudioClassifierOptions . |
AudioClassifierResult | Represents the classification results generated by AudioClassifier . |
AudioData | Defines a ring buffer and some utility functions to prepare the input audio samples. |
AudioData.AudioDataFormat | Wraps a few constants describing the format of the incoming audio samples, namely number of channels and the sample rate. |
AudioData.AudioDataFormat.Builder | Builder for AudioData.AudioDataFormat |
AudioEmbedder | Performs audio embedding extraction on audio clips or audio stream. |
AudioEmbedder.AudioEmbedderOptions | Options for setting up and AudioEmbedder . |
AudioEmbedder.AudioEmbedderOptions.Builder | Builder for AudioEmbedder.AudioEmbedderOptions . |
AudioEmbedderResult | Represents the embedding results generated by AudioEmbedder . |
BaseAudioTaskApi | The base class of MediaPipe audio tasks. |
BaseOptions | Options to configure MediaPipe Tasks in general. |
BaseOptions.Builder | Builder for BaseOptions . |
BaseOptions.DelegateOptions | Advanced config options for the used delegate. |
BaseOptions.DelegateOptions.CpuOptions | Options for CPU. |
BaseOptions.DelegateOptions.CpuOptions.Builder | Builder for BaseOptions.DelegateOptions.CpuOptions . |
BaseOptions.DelegateOptions.GpuOptions | Options for GPU. |
BaseOptions.DelegateOptions.GpuOptions.Builder | Builder for BaseOptions.DelegateOptions.GpuOptions . |
BaseVisionTaskApi | The base class of MediaPipe vision tasks. |
BitmapExtractor | Utility for extracting Bitmap from MPImage . |
BitmapImageBuilder | Builds MPImage from Bitmap . |
ByteBufferExtractor | Utility for extracting ByteBuffer from MPImage . |
ByteBufferImageBuilder | Builds a MPImage from a ByteBuffer . |
Category | Category is a util class, that contains a category name, its display name, a float value as score, and the index of the label in the corresponding label file. |
ClassificationResult | Represents the classification results of a model. |
Classifications | Represents the list of classification for a given classifier head. |
ClassifierOptions | Classifier options shared across MediaPipe Java classification tasks. |
ClassifierOptions.Builder | Builder for ClassifierOptions . |
Connection | Value class representing a landmark connection. |
CosineSimilarity | Utility class for computing cosine similarity between Embedding objects. |
Delegate | MediaPipe Tasks delegate. |
Detection | Represents one detected object in the results of ERROR(/com.google.mediapipe.tasks.version.objectdetector.ObjectDetector) . |
Embedding | Represents the embedding for a given embedder head. |
EmbeddingResult | Represents the embedding results of a model. |
ErrorListener | Interface for the customizable MediaPipe task error listener. |
FaceDetector | Performs face detection on images. |
FaceDetector.FaceDetectorOptions | Options for setting up a FaceDetector . |
FaceDetector.FaceDetectorOptions.Builder | Builder for FaceDetector.FaceDetectorOptions . |
FaceDetectorResult | Represents the detection results generated by FaceDetector . |
FaceLandmarker | Performs face landmarks detection on images. |
FaceLandmarker.FaceLandmarkerOptions | Options for setting up an FaceLandmarker . |
FaceLandmarker.FaceLandmarkerOptions.Builder | Builder for FaceLandmarker.FaceLandmarkerOptions . |
FaceLandmarkerResult | Represents the face landmarks detection results generated by FaceLandmarker . |
FaceStylizer | Performs face stylization on images. |
FaceStylizer.FaceStylizerOptions | Options for setting up an FaceStylizer . |
FaceStylizer.FaceStylizerOptions.Builder | Builder for FaceStylizer.FaceStylizerOptions . |
FaceStylizerResult | Represents the stylized image generated by FaceStylizer . |
GestureRecognizer | Performs gesture recognition on images. |
GestureRecognizer.GestureRecognizerOptions | Options for setting up an GestureRecognizer . |
GestureRecognizer.GestureRecognizerOptions.Builder | Builder for GestureRecognizer.GestureRecognizerOptions . |
GestureRecognizerResult | Represents the gesture recognition results generated by GestureRecognizer . |
HandLandmark | The 21 hand landmarks. |
HandLandmark.HandLandmarkType | Represents a hand landmark type. |
HandLandmarker | Performs hand landmarks detection on images. |
HandLandmarker.HandLandmarkerOptions | Options for setting up an HandLandmarker . |
HandLandmarker.HandLandmarkerOptions.Builder | Builder for HandLandmarker.HandLandmarkerOptions . |
HandLandmarkerResult | Represents the hand landmarks deection results generated by HandLandmarker . |
HolisticLandmarker | Performs holistic landmarks detection on images. |
HolisticLandmarker.HolisticLandmarkerOptions | Options for setting up an HolisticLandmarker . |
HolisticLandmarker.HolisticLandmarkerOptions.Builder | Builder for HolisticLandmarker.HolisticLandmarkerOptions . |
HolisticLandmarkerResult | Represents the holistic landmarks detection results generated by HolisticLandmarker . |
Landmark | Landmark represents a point in 3D space with x, y, z coordinates. |
LanguageDetector | Predicts the language of an input text. |
LanguageDetector.LanguageDetectorOptions | Options for setting up a LanguageDetector . |
LanguageDetector.LanguageDetectorOptions.Builder | Builder for LanguageDetector.LanguageDetectorOptions . |
LanguageDetectorResult | Represents the prediction results generated by LanguageDetector . |
LanguagePrediction | A language code and its probability. |
LlmInference | LlmInference Task Java API |
LlmInference.LlmInferenceOptions | Options for setting up an LlmInference . |
LlmInference.LlmInferenceOptions.Builder | Builder for LlmInference.LlmInferenceOptions . |
MediaImageBuilder | Builds MPImage from Image . |
MediaImageExtractor | Utility for extracting Image from MPImage . |
MPImage | The wrapper class for image objects. |
MPImage.MPImageFormat | Specifies the image format of an image. |
MPImage.StorageType | Specifies the image container type. |
MPImageConsumer | Lightweight abstraction for an object that can receive MPImage |
MPImageProducer | Lightweight abstraction for an object that produce MPImage |
MPImageProperties | Groups a set of properties to describe how an image is stored. |
NormalizedKeypoint | Normalized keypoint represents a point in 2D space with x, y coordinates. |
NormalizedLandmark | Normalized Landmark represents a point in 3D space with x, y, z coordinates. |
ObjectDetectionResult |
This class is deprecated. Use ObjectDetectorResult instead.
ObjectDetector | Performs object detection on images. |
ObjectDetector.ObjectDetectorOptions | Options for setting up an ObjectDetector . |
ObjectDetector.ObjectDetectorOptions.Builder | Builder for ObjectDetector.ObjectDetectorOptions . |
ObjectDetectorResult | Represents the detection results generated by ObjectDetector . |
OutputHandler<OutputT extends TaskResult, InputT> | Base class for handling MediaPipe task graph outputs. |
OutputHandler.OutputPacketConverter<OutputT extends TaskResult, InputT> | Interface for converting MediaPipe graph output ERROR(/Packet) s to task result object and task
input object. |
OutputHandler.ProgressListener<OutputT> | Interface for the customizable MediaPipe task result listener that receives partial task
updates until it is invoked with `done` set to true . |
OutputHandler.PureResultListener<OutputT extends TaskResult> | Interface for the customizable MediaPipe task result listener that can only retrieve task result objects. |
OutputHandler.ResultListener<OutputT extends TaskResult, InputT> | Interface for the customizable MediaPipe task result listener that can retrieve both task result objects and the corresponding input data. |
OutputHandler.ValueListener<OutputT> | Interface for the customizable MediaPipe task result listener that only receives a task's output value. |
PoseLandmarker | Performs pose landmarks detection on images. |
PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions | Options for setting up an PoseLandmarker . |
PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.Builder | Builder for PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions . |
PoseLandmarkerResult | Represents the pose landmarks deection results generated by PoseLandmarker . |
RunningMode | MediaPipe audio task running mode. |
RunningMode | MediaPipe vision task running mode. |
TaskInfo<T extends TaskOptions> | TaskInfo contains all needed information to initialize a MediaPipe Task ERROR(/com.google.mediapipe.framework.Graph) . |
TaskInfo.Builder<T extends TaskOptions> | Builder for TaskInfo . |
TaskOptions | MediaPipe Tasks options base class. |
TaskResult | Interface for the MediaPipe Task result. |
TaskRunner | The runner of MediaPipe task graphs. |
TasksStatsDummyLogger | A dummy MediaPipe Tasks stats logger that has all methods as no-ops. |
TasksStatsLogger | The stats logger interface that defines what MediaPipe Tasks events to log. |
TasksStatsLogger.StatsSnapshot | Task stats snapshot. |
TextClassifier | Performs classification on text. |
TextClassifier.TextClassifierOptions | Options for setting up a TextClassifier . |
TextClassifier.TextClassifierOptions.Builder | Builder for TextClassifier.TextClassifierOptions . |
TextClassifierResult | Represents the classification results generated by TextClassifier . |
TextEmbedder | Performs embedding extraction on text. |
TextEmbedder.TextEmbedderOptions | Options for setting up a TextEmbedder . |
TextEmbedder.TextEmbedderOptions.Builder | Builder for TextEmbedder.TextEmbedderOptions . |
TextEmbedderResult | Represents the embedding results generated by TextEmbedder . |