
public final class PoseLandmarker

Performs pose landmarks detection on images.

This API expects a pre-trained pose landmarks model asset bundle. See .

  • Input image MPImage
    • The image that pose landmarks detection runs on.
  • Output PoseLandmarkerResult PoseLandmarkerResult
    • A PoseLandmarkerResult containing pose landmarks.

Nested Classes

class PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions Options for setting up an PoseLandmarker


public static final Set<Connection> POSE_LANDMARKS

Public Methods

static PoseLandmarker
createFromBuffer(Context context, ByteBuffer modelBuffer)
Creates a PoseLandmarker instance from a model buffer and the default PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.
static PoseLandmarker
createFromFile(Context context, String modelPath)
Creates a PoseLandmarker instance from a model file and the default PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.
static PoseLandmarker
createFromFile(Context context, File modelFile)
Creates a PoseLandmarker instance from a model file and the default PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.
static PoseLandmarker
detect(MPImage image)
Performs pose landmarks detection on the provided single image with default image processing options, i.e.
detect(MPImage image, ImageProcessingOptions imageProcessingOptions)
Performs pose landmarks detection on the provided single image.
detectAsync(MPImage image, ImageProcessingOptions imageProcessingOptions, long timestampMs)
Sends live image data to perform pose landmarks detection, and the results will be available via the OutputHandler.ResultListener provided in the PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.
detectAsync(MPImage image, long timestampMs)
Sends live image data to perform pose landmarks detection with default image processing options, i.e.
detectForVideo(MPImage image, ImageProcessingOptions imageProcessingOptions, long timestampMs)
Performs pose landmarks detection on the provided video frame.
detectForVideo(MPImage image, long timestampMs)
Performs pose landmarks detection on the provided video frame with default image processing options, i.e.

Inherited Methods


public static final Set<Connection> POSE_LANDMARKS

Public Methods

public static PoseLandmarker createFromBuffer (Context context, ByteBuffer modelBuffer)

Creates a PoseLandmarker instance from a model buffer and the default PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.

context an Android ERROR(/Context).
modelBuffer a direct ByteBuffer or a ERROR(/MappedByteBuffer) of the detection model.
if there is an error during PoseLandmarker creation.

public static PoseLandmarker createFromFile (Context context, String modelPath)

Creates a PoseLandmarker instance from a model file and the default PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.

context an Android ERROR(/Context).
modelPath path to the pose landmarks model with metadata in the assets.
if there is an error during PoseLandmarker creation.

public static PoseLandmarker createFromFile (Context context, File modelFile)

Creates a PoseLandmarker instance from a model file and the default PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions.

context an Android ERROR(/Context).
modelFile the pose landmarks model File instance.
IOException if an I/O error occurs when opening the tflite model file.
if there is an error during PoseLandmarker creation.

public static PoseLandmarker createFromOptions (Context context, PoseLandmarker.PoseLandmarkerOptions landmarkerOptions)

Creates a