
InformedMD helps patients stay up to date on medical research.

What it does

Patients and their caregivers do not have the latest medical research readily accessible to them because of the academic jargon and required medical literacy, since research publications are appropriately geared for a technical audience and generally lack patient-centered easy to use tools for accessing them.

InformedMD will empower patients and their caregivers to stay up to date on latest research, which will help drive fruitful conversations with their doctors on finding the best treatments.

Informed MD allows users to preview and set up alerts for their topic of interest through an intuitive web application or android application where they can write filters and summarization preferences via natural language and powered by Gemini it is then applied to every new article relevant to them published in the literature.

Then, as research is published relevant to them they will get patient friendly emails personalized summaries using Gemini according to their preferences and filters. 

These emails will include a link to start a conversation with Gemini where they can ask follow up questions and dig deeper into the newly published research. There is also be the ability to copy the conversation (including links to articles and summaries) to be shared.

In case a user wants - they can directly search for and filter the latest research articles in their topic of interest and directly have a conversation with Gemini over those documents.

Built with

  • Flutter
  • Android
  • Web/Chrome
  • Firebase
  • GCP





United States