教學課程:使用 Gemini API 呼叫函式

函式呼叫可讓您更輕鬆地從生成式模型中取得結構化資料輸出。接著,您可以使用這些輸出內容呼叫其他 API,並將相關回應資料傳回模型。換句話說,函式呼叫可協助您將生成式模型連結至外部系統,讓生成的內容獲得最新且準確的資訊。

您可以提供內含函式說明的 Gemini 模型。這些函式是以應用程式語言編寫的函式 (也就是非 Google Cloud Functions)。模型可能會要求您呼叫函式並傳回結果,協助模型處理您的查詢。



呼叫 Gemini API 之前,您需要設定 Xcode 專案,包括設定 API 金鑰、將 SDK 套件新增至 Xcode 專案,以及初始化模型。


在本教學課程,您將讓模型與支援下列參數的假設貨幣交易平台 API 互動:

參數 類型 需要 說明
currencyFrom 字串 要用來轉換的貨幣
currencyTo 字串 要轉換成的貨幣

API 要求範例

  "currencyFrom": "USD",
  "currencyTo": "SEK"

API 回應範例

  "base": "USD",
  "rates": {"SEK": 0.091}

步驟 1:建立發出 API 要求的函式

如果您尚未建立發出 API 要求的函式,請先完成這項操作。

為了進行示範,系統將按照實際 API 傳回的格式傳回硬式編碼值,而非傳送實際的 API 要求。

func makeAPIRequest(currencyFrom: String,
                    currencyTo: String) -> JSONObject {
  // This hypothetical API returns a JSON such as:
  // {"base":"USD","rates":{"SEK": 0.091}}
  return [
    "base": .string(currencyFrom),
    "rates": .object([currencyTo: .number(0.091)]),

步驟 2:建立函式宣告

建立要傳遞至生成式模型的函式宣告 (本教學課程的下一步)。

在函式和參數說明中,盡可能加入更多詳細資料。 生成式模型會使用這項資訊來決定要選取哪個函式,以及如何在函式呼叫中提供參數值。

let getExchangeRate = FunctionDeclaration(
  name: "getExchangeRate",
  description: "Get the exchange rate for currencies between countries",
  parameters: [
    "currencyFrom": Schema(
      type: .string,
      description: "The currency to convert from."
    "currencyTo": Schema(
      type: .string,
      description: "The currency to convert to."
  requiredParameters: ["currencyFrom", "currencyTo"]

步驟 3:在模型初始化期間指定函式宣告

設定模型的 tools 參數,在初始化生成式模型時指定函式宣告:

// Use a model that supports function calling, like a Gemini 1.5 model
let generativeModel = GenerativeModel(
  name: "gemini-1.5-flash",
  apiKey: apiKey,
  // Specify the function declaration.
  tools: [Tool(functionDeclarations: [getExchangeRate])]

步驟 4:產生函式呼叫



let chat = generativeModel.startChat()

let prompt = "How much is 50 US dollars worth in Swedish krona?"

// Send the message to the generative model
let response1 = try await chat.sendMessage(prompt)

// Check if the model responded with a function call
guard let functionCall = response1.functionCalls.first else {
  fatalError("Model did not respond with a function call.")
// Print an error if the returned function was not declared
guard functionCall.name == "getExchangeRate" else {
  fatalError("Unexpected function called: \(functionCall.name)")
// Verify that the names and types of the parameters match the declaration
guard case let .string(currencyFrom) = functionCall.args["currencyFrom"] else {
  fatalError("Missing argument: currencyFrom")
guard case let .string(currencyTo) = functionCall.args["currencyTo"] else {
  fatalError("Missing argument: currencyTo")

// Call the hypothetical API
let apiResponse = makeAPIRequest(currencyFrom: currencyFrom, currencyTo: currencyTo)

// Send the API response back to the model so it can generate a text response that can be
// displayed to the user.
let response = try await chat.sendMessage([ModelContent(
  role: "function",
  parts: [.functionResponse(FunctionResponse(
    name: functionCall.name,
    response: apiResponse

// Log the text response.
guard let modelResponse = response.text else {
  fatalError("Model did not respond with text.")