AudioClassifier | Performs classification on audio waveforms. |
AudioClassifier.AudioClassifierOptions | Options for setting up an AudioClassifier . |
AudioClassifier.AudioClassifierOptions.Builder | A builder that helps to configure an instance of AudioClassifierOptions. |
BaseOptions | Options to configure Task APIs in general. |
BaseOptions.Builder | Builder for BaseOptions . |
BaseTaskApi | Base class for Task API, provides shared logic to load/unload native libs to its C++ counterpart. |
BaseVisionTaskApi | Base class for Task Vision APIs. |
BaseVisionTaskApi.InferenceProvider<T> | Syntax sugar to run vision tasks with FrameBuffer and image processing options. |
BertCluAnnotator | API for BERT-based Conversational Language Understanding. |
BertCluAnnotator.BertCluAnnotatorOptions | Options for setting up a BertCluAnnotator . |
BertCluAnnotator.BertCluAnnotatorOptions.Builder | Builder for BertCluAnnotator.BertCluAnnotatorOptions . |
BertNLClassifier | Classifier API for NLClassification tasks with Bert models, categorizes string into different classes. |
BertNLClassifier.BertNLClassifierOptions | Options to configure BertNLClassifier. |
BertNLClassifier.BertNLClassifierOptions.Builder | Builder for BertNLClassifier.BertNLClassifierOptions . |
BertQuestionAnswerer | Returns the most possible answers on a given question for QA models (BERT, Albert, etc.). |
BertQuestionAnswerer.BertQuestionAnswererOptions | Options for setting up a BertQuestionAnswerer . |
BertQuestionAnswerer.BertQuestionAnswererOptions.Builder | Builder for BertQuestionAnswerer.BertQuestionAnswererOptions . |
BitmapExtractor | Utility for extracting Bitmap from MlImage . |
BitmapMlImageBuilder | Builds MlImage from Bitmap . |
BoundingBoxUtil | Helper class for converting values that represents bounding boxes into rectangles. |
BoundingBoxUtil.CoordinateType | Denotes if the coordinates are actual pixels or relative ratios. |
BoundingBoxUtil.Type | Denotes how a bounding box is represented. |
ByteBufferExtractor | Utility for extracting ByteBuffer from MlImage . |
ByteBufferMlImageBuilder | Builds a MlImage from a ByteBuffer . |
CastOp | Casts a TensorBuffer to a specified data type. |
Category | Category is a util class, contains a label, its display name, a float value as score, and the index of the label in the corresponding label file. |
Classifications | The classification results of one head in a multihead (a.k.a. |
Classifications | The classification results of one head in a multihead (a.k.a. |
CluRequest | The input dialogue history for the BertCluAnnotator . |
CluResponse | The output domain, intent, and slot information for the BertCluAnnotator . |
CluResponse.CategoricalSlot | Represents a categorical slot whose values are within a finite set. |
CluResponse.Mention | A single mention. |
CluResponse.MentionedSlot | Represents a mentioned slot whose values are open text extracted from the input text. |
ColoredLabel | Represents a label associated with a color for display purposes. |
ColorSpaceType | Represents the type of color space of an image. |
CompatibilityList | GPU Delegate CompatibilityListing data. |
ComputeSettings | Options to configure how to accelerate the model inference using dedicated delegates. |
ComputeSettings.Builder | Builder for ComputeSettings . |
ComputeSettings.Delegate | TFLite accelerator delegate options. |
DataType | Represents the type of elements in a TensorFlow Lite Tensor as an enum. |
Delegate | Wrapper for a native TensorFlow Lite Delegate. |
DelegateFactory | Allows creating delegates for different runtime flavors. |
DequantizeOp | Dequantizes a TensorBuffer with given zeroPoint and scale . |
Detection | Represents one detected object in the results of a ObjectDetector . |
FileUtil | File I/O utilities. |
GpuDelegate | Delegate for GPU inference. |
GpuDelegate.Options |
This class is deprecated. Use GpuDelegateFactory.Options instead.
GpuDelegateFactory | DelegateFactory for creating a GpuDelegate . |
GpuDelegateFactory.Options | Delegate options. |
GpuDelegateFactory.Options.GpuBackend | Which GPU backend to select. |
ImageClassifier | Performs classification on images. |
ImageClassifier.ImageClassifierOptions | Options for setting up an ImageClassifier. |
ImageClassifier.ImageClassifierOptions.Builder | A builder that helps to configure an instance of ImageClassifierOptions. |
ImageOperator | Operates a TensorImage object. |
ImageProcessingOptions | Options to configure the image processing pipeline, which operates before inference. |
ImageProcessingOptions.Builder | Builder for ImageProcessingOptions . |
ImageProcessingOptions.Orientation | Orientation type that follows EXIF specification. |
ImageProcessor | ImageProcessor is a helper class for preprocessing and postprocessing TensorImage . |
ImageProcessor.Builder | The Builder to create an ImageProcessor, which could be executed later. |
ImageProperties | Groups a set of properties to describe how an image is stored. |
ImageProperties | Represents the properties of an image object when being loaded to a TensorImage . |
ImageProperties.Builder | Builder for ImageProperties . |
ImageSearcher | Performs similarity search on images. |
ImageSearcher.ImageSearcherOptions | Options for setting up an ImageSearcher. |
ImageSearcher.ImageSearcherOptions.Builder | Builder for ImageSearcher.ImageSearcherOptions . |
ImageSegmenter | Performs segmentation on images. |
ImageSegmenter.ImageSegmenterOptions | Options for setting up an ImageSegmenter . |
ImageSegmenter.ImageSegmenterOptions.Builder | Builder for ImageSegmenter.ImageSegmenterOptions . |
Interpreter | Driver class to drive model inference with TensorFlow Lite. |
Interpreter.Options | An options class for controlling runtime interpreter behavior. |
InterpreterApi | Interface to TensorFlow Lite model interpreter, excluding experimental methods. |
InterpreterApi.Options | An options class for controlling runtime interpreter behavior. |
InterpreterApi.Options.TfLiteRuntime | Enum to represent where to get the TensorFlow Lite runtime implementation from. |
InterpreterFactory | Factory for constructing InterpreterApi instances. |
KeepForSdk | Indicates that this object (class, method, etc) should be retained and not renamed when generating the SDK, but should be allowed to be stripped or renamed in end developer apps. |
LabelAxisOp | Labels TensorBuffer with axisLabels for outputs. |
LabelAxisOp.Builder | The inner builder class to build a LabelTensor Operator. |
LabelUtil | Label operation utils. |
MediaImageExtractor | Utility for extracting Image from MlImage . |
MediaMlImageBuilder | Builds MlImage from Image . |
MetadataExtractor | Loads metadata from TFLite Model FlatBuffer. |
MetadataExtractor.QuantizationParams | Quantization parameters that corresponds to the table, QuantizationParameters , in the
Model schema file. |
MetadataParser | Information about the metadata parser that this metadata extractor library is depending on. |
MlImage | Wraps image data for on-device machine learning (ODML) usages. |
MlImage.ImageFormat | Specifies the image format of an image. |
MlImage.Internal | Advanced API access for MlImage . |
MlImage.StorageType | Specifies the image container type. |
MlImageAdapter | Converts MlImage to TensorImage and vice versa. |
Model | The wrapper class for a TFLite model and a TFLite interpreter. |
Model.Builder |
This class is deprecated. Please use Model.createModel(Context, String, Options) .
Model.Device | The runtime device type used for executing classification. |
Model.Options | Options for running the model. |
Model.Options.Builder | Builder of Model.Options . |
NearestNeighbor | Represents the search result of a Searcher model. |
NLClassifier | Classifier API for natural language classification tasks, categorizes string into different classes. |
NLClassifier.NLClassifierOptions | Options to identify input and output tensors of the model. |
NLClassifier.NLClassifierOptions.Builder | Builder for NLClassifier.NLClassifierOptions . |
NormalizeOp | Normalizes a TensorBuffer with given mean and stddev: output = (input - mean) / stddev. |
ObjectDetector | Performs object detection on images. |
ObjectDetector.ObjectDetectorOptions | Options for setting up an ObjectDetector. |
ObjectDetector.ObjectDetectorOptions.Builder | A builder that helps to configure an instance of ObjectDetectorOptions. |
Operator<T> | The common interface for classes that carries an "apply" method, which converts T to another one. |
OutputType | Output mask type. |
Processor<T> | Processes T object with prepared Operator<T> . |
QaAnswer | Answers to QuestionAnswerer . |
QaAnswer.Pos | Position information of the answer relative to context. |
QuantizeOp | Quantizes a TensorBuffer with given zeroPoint and scale . |
QuestionAnswerer | API to answer questions based on context. |
ResizeOp | As a computation unit for processing images, it can resize an image to user-specified size. |
ResizeOp.ResizeMethod | Algorithms for resizing. |
ResizeWithCropOrPadOp | As a computation unit for processing images, it could resize image to predefined size. |
Rot90Op | Rotates image counter-clockwise. |
RuntimeFlavor | Represents a TFLite runtime. |
SearcherOptions | Options to configure Searcher API. |
SearcherOptions.Builder | Builder for SearcherOptions . |
Segmentation | Represents the segmentation result of an ImageSegmenter . |
SequentialProcessor<T> | A processor base class that chains a serial of Operator<T> and executes them. |
TaskJniUtils | JNI utils for Task API. |
TaskJniUtils.EmptyHandleProvider | Syntax sugar to get nativeHandle from empty param list. |
TaskJniUtils.FdAndOptionsHandleProvider<T> | Syntax sugar to get nativeHandle from file descriptor and options. |
TaskJniUtils.MultipleBuffersHandleProvider | Syntax sugar to get nativeHandle from an array of ByteBuffer s. |
Tensor | A typed multi-dimensional array used in Tensorflow Lite. |
Tensor.QuantizationParams | Quantization parameters that corresponds to the table, QuantizationParameters , in the
Model schema file. |
TensorAudio | Defines a ring buffer and some utility functions to prepare the input audio samples. |
TensorAudio.TensorAudioFormat | Wraps a few constants describing the format of the incoming audio samples, namely number of channels and the sample rate. |
TensorAudio.TensorAudioFormat.Builder | Builder for TensorAudio.TensorAudioFormat |
TensorBuffer | Represents the data buffer for either a model's input or its output. |
TensorBufferFloat | Represents data buffer with float values. |
TensorBufferUint8 | Represents data buffer with 8-bit unsigned integer values. |
TensorFlowLite | Static utility methods for loading the TensorFlowLite runtime and native code. |
TensorImage | TensorImage is the wrapper class for Image object. |
TensorLabel | TensorLabel is an util wrapper for TensorBuffers with meaningful labels on an axis. |
TensorOperator | Applies some operation on TensorBuffers. |
TensorOperatorWrapper | The adapter that makes a TensorOperator able to run with TensorImage. |
TensorProcessor | TensorProcessor is a helper class for preprocessing and postprocessing tensors. |
TensorProcessor.Builder | The Builder to create an TensorProcessor , which could be executed later. |
TextSearcher | Performs similarity search on text string. |
TextSearcher.TextSearcherOptions | Options for setting up an TextSearcher. |
TextSearcher.TextSearcherOptions.Builder | Builder for TextSearcher.TextSearcherOptions . |
TfLiteAudio | Entry point for the TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) Tasks Audio API provided by Google Play services. |
TfLiteText | Entry point for the TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) Tasks Text API provided by Google Play services. |
TransformToGrayscaleOp | Transforms an image to GrayScale as an image processing unit. |
ValidatedAccelerationConfig | Interface specifying validated acceleration configuration. |