
A Document is a collection of Chunk\ s.

A Corpus can have a maximum of 10,000 Document\ s.

name str

Immutable. Identifier. The Document resource name. The ID (name excluding the corpora/*/documents/ prefix) can contain up to 40 characters that are lowercase alphanumeric or dashes (-). The ID cannot start or end with a dash. If the name is empty on create, a unique name will be derived from display_name along with a 12 character random suffix. Example: corpora/{corpus_id}/documents/my-awesome-doc-123a456b789c

display_name str

Optional. The human-readable display name for the Document. The display name must be no more than 512 characters in length, including spaces. Example: "Semantic Retriever Documentation".

custom_metadata MutableSequence[]

Optional. User provided custom metadata stored as key-value pairs used for querying. A Document can have a maximum of 20 CustomMetadata.

update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp

Output only. The Timestamp of when the Document was last updated.

create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp

Output only. The Timestamp of when the Document was created.