
A file uploaded to the API.


Output only. Metadata for a video.

This field is a member of oneof_ metadata.

name str

Immutable. Identifier. The File resource name. The ID (name excluding the "files/" prefix) can contain up to 40 characters that are lowercase alphanumeric or dashes (-). The ID cannot start or end with a dash. If the name is empty on create, a unique name will be generated. Example: files/123-456

display_name str

Optional. The human-readable display name for the File. The display name must be no more than 512 characters in length, including spaces. Example: "Welcome Image".

mime_type str

Output only. MIME type of the file.

size_bytes int

Output only. Size of the file in bytes.

create_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp

Output only. The timestamp of when the File was created.

update_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp

Output only. The timestamp of when the File was last updated.

expiration_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp

Output only. The timestamp of when the File will be deleted. Only set if the File is scheduled to expire.

sha256_hash bytes

Output only. SHA-256 hash of the uploaded bytes.

uri str

Output only. The uri of the File.


Output only. Processing state of the File.

error google.rpc.status_pb2.Status

Output only. Error status if File processing failed.

Child Classes

class State