
public class TensorLabel

TensorLabel is an util wrapper for TensorBuffers with meaningful labels on an axis.

For example, an image classification model may have an output tensor with shape as {1, 10}, where 1 is the batch size and 10 is the number of categories. In fact, on the 2nd axis, we could label each sub-tensor with the name or description of each corresponding category. TensorLabel could help converting the plain Tensor in TensorBuffer into a map from predefined labels to sub-tensors. In this case, if provided 10 labels for the 2nd axis, TensorLabel could convert the original {1, 10} Tensor to a 10 element map, each value of which is Tensor in shape {} (scalar). Usage example:

   TensorBuffer outputTensor = ...;
   List<String> labels = FileUtil.loadLabels(context, labelFilePath);
   // labels the first axis with size greater than one
   TensorLabel labeled = new TensorLabel(labels, outputTensor);
   // If each sub-tensor has effectively size 1, we can directly get a float value
   Map<String, Float> probabilities = labeled.getMapWithFloatValue();
   // Or get sub-tensors, when each sub-tensor has elements more than 1
   Map<String, TensorBuffer> subTensors = labeled.getMapWithTensorBuffer();

Note: currently we only support tensor-to-map conversion for the first label with size greater than 1.

Public Constructors

TensorLabel(Map<IntegerList<String>> axisLabels, TensorBuffer tensorBuffer)
Creates a TensorLabel object which is able to label on the axes of multi-dimensional tensors.
TensorLabel(List<String> axisLabels, TensorBuffer tensorBuffer)
Creates a TensorLabel object which is able to label on one axis of multi-dimensional tensors.

Public Methods

Gets a list of Category from the TensorLabel object.
Gets a map that maps label to float.
Gets the map with a pair of the label and the corresponding TensorBuffer.

Inherited Methods