HolisticLandmarker class

Performs holistic landmarks detection on images.


export declare class HolisticLandmarker extends VisionTaskRunner 

Extends: VisionTaskRunner


Property Modifiers Type Description
FACE_LANDMARKS_CONTOURS static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the face's contour.
FACE_LANDMARKS_FACE_OVAL static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the face's oval.
FACE_LANDMARKS_LEFT_EYE static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's left eye.
FACE_LANDMARKS_LEFT_EYEBROW static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's left eyebrow.
FACE_LANDMARKS_LEFT_IRIS static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's left iris.
FACE_LANDMARKS_LIPS static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's lips.
FACE_LANDMARKS_RIGHT_EYE static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's right eye.
FACE_LANDMARKS_RIGHT_EYEBROW static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's right eyebrow.
FACE_LANDMARKS_RIGHT_IRIS static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the connection between a face's right iris.
FACE_LANDMARKS_TESSELATION static Connection[] Landmark connections to draw the face's tesselation.
HAND_CONNECTIONS static Connection[] An array containing the pairs of hand landmark indices to be rendered with connections.
POSE_CONNECTIONS static Connection[] An array containing the pairs of pose landmark indices to be rendered with connections.


Method Modifiers Description
createFromModelBuffer(wasmFileset, modelAssetBuffer)