
public abstract class TensorBuffer
Known Direct Subclasses

Represents the data buffer for either a model's input or its output.

Public Methods

static TensorBuffer
createDynamic(DataType dataType)
Creates an empty dynamic TensorBuffer with specified DataType.
static TensorBuffer
createFixedSize(int[] shape, DataType dataType)
Creates a TensorBuffer with specified shape and DataType.
static TensorBuffer
createFrom(TensorBuffer buffer, DataType dataType)
Creates a TensorBuffer deep-copying data from another, with specified DataType.
Returns the data buffer.
abstract DataType
Returns the data type of this buffer.
Gets the flatSize of the buffer.
abstract float[]
Returns a float array of the values stored in this buffer.
abstract float
getFloatValue(int absIndex)
Returns a float value at a given index.
abstract int[]
Returns an int array of the values stored in this buffer.
abstract int
getIntValue(int absIndex)
Returns an int value at a given index.
Gets the current shape.
abstract int
Returns the number of bytes of a single element in the array.
Returns if the TensorBuffer is dynamic sized (could resize arbitrarily).
abstract void
loadArray(int[] src, int[] shape)
Loads an int array into this buffer with specific shape.
abstract void
loadArray(float[] src, int[] shape)
Loads a float array into this buffer with specific shape.
loadArray(float[] src)
Loads a float array into this buffer.
loadArray(int[] src)
Loads an int array into this buffer.
loadBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)
Loads a byte buffer into this TensorBuffer.
loadBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, int[] shape)
Loads a byte buffer into this TensorBuffer with specific shape.

Inherited Methods

Public Methods

public static TensorBuffer createDynamic (DataType dataType)

Creates an empty dynamic TensorBuffer with specified DataType. The shape of the created TensorBuffer is {0}.

Dynamic TensorBuffers will reallocate memory when loading arrays or data buffers of different buffer sizes. Here are some examples:

 // Creating a float dynamic TensorBuffer:
 TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createDynamic(DataType.FLOAT32);
 // Loading a float array:
 float[] arr1 = new float[] {1, 2, 3};
 tensorBuffer.loadArray(arr, new int[] {arr1.length});
 // loading another float array:
 float[] arr2 = new float[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
 tensorBuffer.loadArray(arr, new int[] {arr2.length});
 // loading a third float array with the same size as arr2, assuming shape doesn't change:
 float[] arr3 = new float[] {5, 4, 3, 2, 1};
 // loading a forth float array with different size as arr3 and omitting the shape will result
 // in error:
 float[] arr4 = new float[] {3, 2, 1};
 tensorBuffer.loadArray(arr); // Error: The size of byte buffer and the shape do not match.

dataType The dataType of the TensorBuffer to be created.

public static TensorBuffer createFixedSize (int[] shape, DataType dataType)

Creates a TensorBuffer with specified shape and DataType. Here are some examples:

 // Creating a float TensorBuffer with shape {2, 3}:
 int[] shape = new int[] {2, 3};
 TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(shape, DataType.FLOAT32);
 // Creating an uint8 TensorBuffer of a scalar:
 int[] shape = new int[] {};
 TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(shape, DataType.UINT8);
 // Creating an empty uint8 TensorBuffer:
 int[] shape = new int[] {0};
 TensorBuffer tensorBuffer = TensorBuffer.createFixedSize(shape, DataType.UINT8);

The size of a fixed-size TensorBuffer cannot be changed once it is created.

shape The shape of the TensorBuffer to be created.
dataType The dataType of the TensorBuffer to be created.
NullPointerException if shape is null.
IllegalArgumentException if shape has non-positive elements.

public static TensorBuffer createFrom (TensorBuffer buffer, DataType dataType)

Creates a TensorBuffer deep-copying data from another, with specified DataType.

buffer the source TensorBuffer to copy from.
dataType the expected DataType of newly created TensorBuffer.
NullPointerException if buffer is null.

public ByteBuffer getBuffer ()

Returns the data buffer.

public abstract DataType getDataType ()

Returns the data type of this buffer.

public int getFlatSize ()

Gets the flatSize of the buffer.

IllegalStateException if the underlying data is corrupted