tasks-audio package


Class Description
AudioClassifier Performs audio classification.
AudioEmbedder Performs embedding extraction on audio.
FilesetResolver Resolves the files required for the MediaPipe Task APIs.This class verifies whether SIMD is supported in the current environment and loads the SIMD files only if support is detected. The returned filesets require that the Wasm files are published without renaming. If this is not possible, you can invoke the MediaPipe Tasks APIs using a manually created WasmFileset.


Interface Description
AudioClassifierOptions Options to configure the MediaPipe Audio Classifier Task
AudioClassifierResult Classification results of a model.
AudioEmbedderOptions Options to configure the MediaPipe Audio Embedder Task
AudioEmbedderResult Embedding results for a given embedder model.
Category A classification category.
Classifications Classification results for a given classifier head.
Embedding List of embeddings with an optional timestamp.One and only one of the two 'floatEmbedding' and 'quantizedEmbedding' will contain data, based on whether or not the embedder was configured to perform scalar quantization.